Sunday, May 24, 2009

May 24th update

We're still good!!!

Day three of the new chemotherapy and we're still good! Yesterday went pretty well. I was sick in the morning, however mom got it all under control and then we headed to the hospital for my next bit of chemo. It all went well and before we knew it we were done and off to enjoy the day. We're moving to a great new place next week. Some very generous people have given us an amazing place to stay that is much more affordable for us. And I mean amazing! Thanks to Kim for organizing this for us! xoxo Then we hit the park, played tag and played all around the playground with Mom, Nana and Addy.

Came home for supper, meds and movie. Oh, and Nana bought me an IPOD! So very cool! I'm going to load some great music that I can listen to when I wake up after my spinals. thanks Nana!

Today I was back to the hospital again for more chemo, then I headed to dad's for the day and we shaved our heads!!! That's right it's gone. It started to come out a little bit just this week, and so we thought we'd just get it done. And dad did his too.. hee hee. Wow he has a big head :)

Thanks again to everyone who is sending texts, emails, phone calls, facebook messages etc during this time!



  1. Aiden I think that's so cool your dad shaved his head, too. Shows what a loved boy you are. Day four is now done!!! Yeah, three days off. I hope you feel great for all those days. You're so brave.

  2. Aiden,

    We love your new 'do'. A new iPod, how cool is that?

    Glad to hear that you are feeling so good right now!


  3. Cool iPod. I hope you feel better soon. I'm playing Wii right now. Yesterday at school there was no gym class. I was sad about that. I hope your hair grows back soon :).

    Love Dominic
