Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Aidens' homework.. mom's busted

Hi guys,

Just a quick note.. mom FINALLY opened my homework envelope tonight, just to take a look at what we should start tomorrow when we came across the awesome package from my class. Thanks guys for all the pictures, notes, and drawings, it made my day! When we move over to the new place this weekend I'm going to put it up beside my bed. I espeically like the silly photo of everyone in the back, Mrs Merryfields silly face cracked me right up.

I miss you all and hope to see you soon.


PS;Mrs Merryfield, I'll start my homework tomorrow.


  1. Hi Aiden!
    I miss you. I think of you everytime I look at the empty hook beside me. Sorry it took me so long to write you (my mom had to figure out this blog thing). I have two jokes for you "What bow can't be tied?" A RAINBOW and "What do snowmen eat for breakfast?" FROSTY FLAKES!!!!!!! Have you got my surprise in the mail yet? It should be there very soon! Today I asked my mom if I could make some cupcakes and send them to you. She said that they might not look like cupcakes when they arrive! I hope you have a good sleep. xo Ava

  2. Hi Ava,

    I'm waiting for your package still, looking forward to opening it. thanks for the jokes, my mom thinks you're cute and funny. And I miss you too. I talk about you a lot to my mom and hope to see you soon.

    xoxo Aiden

  3. Seriously! Homework is FUN!! And, so is reading!!
    Love you,
    Jodes and the rest of the clan

  4. Well, I finally figured out how to work this program...LOL. We are thinking about all of you alot and wish we were there. We will come and visit as soon as we can. Keep up the good spirits Aiden.
    Lots of Love
    Nana and Ronpa

  5. Hi Aiden,
    It was a busy day at school.Lots of funny stories. Full details coming to you later today(email).
    Joke time...Why did the cow cross the road?
    To get to the Mooovies!
    What is the best way to communicate with a fish?
    Drop it a line! :)
    More later,

  6. Hello Aiden:

    You are truly an inspiration. You are ROCKIN this thing. Our daddy works with your dad at the police station and our thoughts are always with you.

    Our joke for the night:

    How can you make a kleenex dance?


    put a little BOOGEY in it

    Hugs to you and your family

    The Woodcox's

  7. Hi Aiden, Addison and family,

    Know that we are thinking and praying for you guys and miss you tons and tons at school. I'm especially missing my Addison hugs.

    We have a penguin joke for you:

    Why did the silly penguin like working at the clock factory?

    He liked making faces. HAHA

    Love The Pratt's (Neve picked the joke, she was quite excited about it)
