Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Day 6 April 21

Hello everyone,

Day #6.. wow what can I tell you. I thought I'd let mom sleep in a little so I didn't get up until 8:57am and she was quite happy. I enjoyed my breakfast today, waffles and actually ate the entire thing!

Then mom received a package that she got quite excited about from Laura, Kathie and Linda (Total E Clips) Aveda everything! From foot scrub, to hand cream, to lotion, to shampoos, all wrapped up in a new awesome make up case. Love Total E Clips!! Thanks girls for making mom feel pretty. Mom also wants to thank Oranj Dance and Fitness for donating all the proceeds from the karma yoga classes to us and hopes everyone goes down to send some positive energy. Also, my buddy Lucas is riding his BMX bike, in the Ride for Life, to help us and we could even win jackets! Thanks buddy (and his lovely mom Ginger). Thank you Carson and Jarrod for feeding my fish! and Deb for looking after the house, and Laura for kicking mom's boot camp girls butts on Sunday and again tomorrow night :)

INFLUENCE CLOTHING - Orchard Park.. The amazing Toby Tannas is having an event in Aiden's honor this Thursday night.. It's a great new store, please go down and check it out if you have a chance. Thanks T!

11am - Musical therapy; we banged drums, sang songs, it was alright... a little boring but I got through it. Addison loved it.. I bailed as soon as I got the chance. :)

Then just after lunch I was allowed to go outside! The nurse disconnected my IV and me, mom, dad, dad #2, and Ads all went outside. We had a picnic on the lawn, played red light green light, and What Time is it Mr. Wolf. I found a couple beetles and picked some flowers for my mom, I was outside almost an hour and then got pretty tired so dad carried me back inside.

Once we were back inside I had a nap, played with my dad and mom took the night off. She took Ads to a hotel and had a swim, a hot bath and hopefully a good night sleep.
Mom is aprehensive about my inter muscular injections tomorrow along with the gross side effects that come with it, but once again it's NOTHING we can't handle.

Night everyone. thank you for everything.. texts, emails, notes etc. xoxo Aiden
Go Canucks Go!


  1. Hooray, you did get outside! So fun!
    Sweet dreams!

  2. beetles, fresh air outside....FUN!!

    Ty can't wait for a game of air hockey with you:)

    We hope to talk to you tomorrow buddy...xoxo

  3. Our 2 fav games; What Time is it Mr. Wolf and Red,Light Green Light! And a picnic! Sounds like a great day.
    Happy thoughts and sweet dreams.
    Smiles and Hugs,
    Jodie, Scott, Emma and Allie

  4. Morning buddy!!!

    Ty and Cars wanted to send you a couple messages before they went to school this morning...

    Ty says, "The CANUCKS WON!!! Yahoo:)" and he is wondering when we can come for a visit to see you...ps, Ty is hoping it involves missing a day of school!!

    Carson says, "Wondering what you are doing today Aiden...and also what room you are going to be in when we come for a visit:)"

    Ty and mom are wondering if Carson thinks he has to yell to get the messages to Aiden in Vancouver, lol.

    Off to the bus, xoxo

    Ty, Carson, & their mom

  5. Hi there Aiden and family! I just wanted you to know that Pastor Keith led a prayer with all of the students at FLCS for you today! We love you!

    Ms. Liegmann

    P.S. There is a foundation set up for the whole community...hopefully we can help!

  6. Sounds like a fantastic trip outside!! I am glad to hear you are doing well and that your Mom is being looked after too! Keep up the awesome job Aiden =)
    Go Canucks go!!!!!

  7. Hi Aiden! Wanted to send you a note with hugs and lots of smiles. Keep up all the good work, keep playing air hockey and all the stuff that makes you happy! Smiles and hugs to you all....see you soon!

    PS the farm is waiting for your return!!!!!!

    Love V

  8. Hi Aiden

    we also wanted to send you many hugs
    and we are thinking of you, keep your beautiful
    smile and hugs to your mum Deb, she is a wonderful woman.....hope to have muffins
    again soon, promise this time wont burn them...
    lots of love
    Monica and Cristina (and Larina,smile)

  9. Hey Aiden! Got a joke for you!

    Knock Knock?
    You say ,"who's there" (duh)
    Peep Who?
    Ha ha I made you say pee and pooh!

    Nothing like a little bathroom humor to brighten your day! I have loooooooots more too!
    Be well!
    Sharon donaldson
