Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Wednesday September 2nd

Hello from Children's hospital,

All's well here... been in the hospital since 830 this morning. They put me out to do my spinal which I always hate, but it was fine.
They had me in isolation this morning because I have had a cold. In order to get out of isolation they had to test my boogers! Ha, seriously! So, my nurse comes in and puts saline up one of my nostrils and i have to plug the other one and blow all the saline/snot out of my nose into this cup. It was hilarious. Everyone was cheering me on and yelling!! There was probably 7 people in the room at the time.. people get so excited about the weirdest stuff around this place.
Anyways, they tested my boogies and I was let out of isolation around 3pm.

I stood on the scale today and my weight is perfect for my height.. next round the steroids begin again.. so I could be putting on some LBS starting October 1. Mom jumped on the scale too and told my nurse that Leukemia makes mom's gain weight!!! GROUCHY....

We played some games and then we went up to our room around 530. Mom and I have been playing guitar hero and we ordered pizza for dinner as the food here is terrible!

Now were getting ready for bed! Tub, book and then up EVERY two hours to pee! AWESOME!
We only have one more of these after this... One more gross tiring stint like this one. .. We can do it!

Mom's already fed me chocolate, so hopefully we're out by Friday evening. Addy starts school Friday morning, I start Tuesday and Addy starts ballet Thursday next week too.. busy busy busy!!! Just how mommy likes it!

Hope this finds you well...


1 comment:

  1. Aiden, your days are so busy it makes our life around here seem boring. Owen lost another tooth so he is missing two teeth on the bottom and three teeth on the top now. It makes eating carrots and apples a real pain. He lost his bottom teeth naturally but lost his top three in an accident involving a coffee table when he was 1 and half! i would love to play guitar hero with you sometime. I really like playing Rock Star cause i love to sing, I am no good at the guitar though my fingers don't move fast enough to keep up! i bet you are a star.
    Tuesday is our first day of school. Owen is a bit nervous about going into grade 1, hopefully he has a nice teacher like the ones in your school!
    Take care big guy, hope you are out of the hospital soon due to all that fabulous chocolate.
    Warm hugs always,
    -the Waterhouses xxoo
