Monday, April 20, 2009

Day 5 April 20th

Hello my friends and family,

Today turned into a bit of a lazy, grouchy day. My counts are a little on the low side and the "procedure" didn't arrive from Texas so... i had a pretty open day. Which made the visit from Pastor Lee and Michelle such a nice bonus. Including a wack load of fun stuff, jammiez, slippers, club penguin, a very special stuffed seal from my friend Logan (that I will sleep with) and a huge card from everyone at school and much more. Thank you to everyone.. and my mom wants to thank Logan's mom for calling and finding out what she the starbucks card. Thanks!... oh and of course my gigantic envelope of homework... Thanks Mrs. Merryfield! Jeepers!!!

Then the LULU's arrived! Carly Bean, Hayley, and Brooke. Thanks for taking my mom, dad #2 and addy down for a snack, and playing some air hockey with me. Thank you Carly for the DS game, chips, great new blanket etc and my mom loves her new LULU hoody and mentioned something about borrowing my DS to play a Grey's Anatomy game?????

I hung out with dad when mom went to check out the place we'll be staying at as of Friday or Saturday this week. (Easter Seals) I'll still have to visit the hospital but I won't have to live at it any longer! yay!!!

Spent the evening registering my new club penguin, playing games on line and I am all set up.

Tomorrow: If I can get enough fluid (water) in my body by tomorroow noon, I can go outside and play without my IV. Awesome!!!!

Drop me a line, I like funny ones, if you have a minute.

Day 5 is done!!



  1. are such a trooper my little buddy. Hope you get outside tomorrow for a little play time. wish I was there to give you a big fat smooch!!! sleep tight.....

  2. Aiden,

    Dominic was glad to hear that you have a TV in your room. He was rather worried about that for you.

    He wanted me to put you on the phone :) so he could say hello. He didn't really understand that I wasn't at the hospital visiting with you right at that moment.

    If you ever feel up to chatting with Dominic maybe you can call him or maybe we can do a video call through Skype on your computer.

    Dominic says, "Goodnight, Aiden!"

  3. Hey Guys! Sounds like you had lots of visitors today. Allie learned a new joke; "Why was 6 afraid of 7? Because 7 8 9! Heheheheh!!!Get it 7 ate 9!!!" Have a good sleep. We can't wait 'till we read what you guys are doing tomorrow.
    Love you,
    Jodie, Scott, Emma and Allie

  4. Hey Aiden,

    How is it going? I can't believe you have to do homework, yuck. Hope you feel better.

    Carson Schamerhorn

  5. Wow! You get to leave the hospital and stay somewhere new!! That's fantastic news. Today is a beautiful day, I hope you get lots of outside time. Make your mom do some laps around the park so she doesn't get out of shape. Joke of the day: Monster: Doctor, Doctor! How do I keep my nose from running? Doctor: Stick out your foot and trip it! Hugs and kisses to all of you.

  6. Hi Aiden!!
    This is Lucas, I'm doing the Race for Life for you this year - we are going to win. I just know it.... I'm going to bring you a jacket from the race when we win. Cool ey? I'll keep you posted on our progress. I hope you feel good today and I REALLY hope you got to go and play outside. I hope it doesn't rain today - whenever I'm in Vancouver all it does is rain, rain and then it rains some more!!!! Tell your mom that my mom says hello...
    I'll write again soon...

  7. Hi, Aiden!!!!!!!
    We got toys for you! We ran to the hospital but missed you.
    But we want to add more to this stack; so what else would you like? tell us everything you like...(and mom too)
    I can't believe you got a DS? How cool is that! now I'll have to ask for one too!
    I will write again soon,
    miss you,

  8. Hey Aiden. It's Callum and Owen. We have a joke for you.

    Why do leprechauns laugh when they run? .... cause the grass tickles their nuts. hee hee

  9. Hi Aiden!
    It sounds like you are getting lots of cool things to keep you busy. It also sounds like you are being very brave and taking everything in stride. I sure hope you got to go outside today! I am trying to think of a joke, but can't come up with one. Ava has tons of them so I'll get her to send some along tomorrow, but I'll warn you now they are BAD! Can't wait to read your next update and get the scoop on your new digs this weekend. Having a big party in your honour on Thursday night...I'll send you the pictures and the details when it's all over.
    Hang in there sweet boy!
    (Hi Deb, Dustin and Ads)
    Sweet dreams. T.
