If you're still reading this.. I know you love us! Thank you so much for following me and my family on this crazy, terrifying ride!
My aggressive treatment is OVER! Done! No more needles in my leg.. I think 21 total is quite enough, thank you! I will get my blood test tomorrow to see if I'm ready to start maintenance..which would be Wednesday. What that means is because my recovery is 3.5 years I have to keep doing what we're doing (to a point) to keep me as healthy as I am right now.
So, once every 29 days I have to be at Childrens, and I take oral medication every day. It's going to be a bit rocky for a bit as they fiddle around with my medicine, however once they get it right we're good to go.
School starts for me January 4th.. very excited! I get to go to my new school on December 9th to meet my class and make gingerbread houses with them.
This weekend I turn 6! I was 'selected' to be on Santa's float in the big parade on Sunday morning, so watch for me on TV. My special friend from Kelowna is coming down and she will be on it too! Then we're going to the aquarium and out for lunch. Should be a great time. I also have a birthday party at Ronald McDonald House with Dad, Grandma and Grandpa! Busy weekend coming up! I need to rest up!
Thank you so much for reading and following! Your support has not gone unnoticed and we appreciate all of you that were in our corner these past 8 month! Amazing!!!!!!
I will be writing less and less as life is hopefully going to be back to normal sooner then later. Pls keep in touch with mom via email, text message, and phone calls.
Did you hear!??? WE DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Leukemia Free AIDEN
Monday, November 30, 2009
Friday, November 20, 2009
Friday November 20th
Needle number 14 done! Ugh!!! It was not fun at all!!! However, I didn't have to get the transfusion they thought I'd need.
All my blood went down except my platelets!! And no one knows why??? We don't question good things though! Two days ago I was at 84 platelets and today 144... My Oncologist cant tell us why or even how.. so more blood work on Monday. Geesh!
.. looking for answers.
So for those of you who don't know .......... we're moving to Vancouver. The for sale sign went up on the house today and we hope to be settled in South Surrey/White Rock by January.
It was a big decision for our family, but it's best. Best for all of us. I will really miss my friends in Kelowna and I know mom's had some tears about missing "her girls." It's been a community that has gathered around us like nothing we've ever seen.. amazing!! Thank you!
We're off for the weekend, my needle is out and everything.. so it's time to get crazy. I can't go anywhere, because me white blood cell count is so low.. so we've been making play dough, now tickle and tackle, then movie night and tomorrow we're going scootin!
Next needle. #15 in the leg, is Monday.. however we have two days to enjoy before then.
Hope this finds you all well. Signing off from Vancouver!
All my blood went down except my platelets!! And no one knows why??? We don't question good things though! Two days ago I was at 84 platelets and today 144... My Oncologist cant tell us why or even how.. so more blood work on Monday. Geesh!
.. looking for answers.
So for those of you who don't know .......... we're moving to Vancouver. The for sale sign went up on the house today and we hope to be settled in South Surrey/White Rock by January.
It was a big decision for our family, but it's best. Best for all of us. I will really miss my friends in Kelowna and I know mom's had some tears about missing "her girls." It's been a community that has gathered around us like nothing we've ever seen.. amazing!! Thank you!
We're off for the weekend, my needle is out and everything.. so it's time to get crazy. I can't go anywhere, because me white blood cell count is so low.. so we've been making play dough, now tickle and tackle, then movie night and tomorrow we're going scootin!
Next needle. #15 in the leg, is Monday.. however we have two days to enjoy before then.
Hope this finds you all well. Signing off from Vancouver!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Thursday November 19th
Hello hello!!!
How is everyone? Well we're pluggin' along here. We have 11 days to go until I'm done the super hard stuff! They sure like to make it brutal right until the very last day!
Tomorrow is needle number 14! That's right.... can you believe it? Number 13 didn't go so well. That was Wednesday. I had to get poked in chest to access my VAD to give me another blood transfusion and my chemotherapy. Then they poked me in the leg - that was number 13. Just before my poke, my nurse told me she hates needles and that she's a big chicken. So when she poked me I yelled "Yeow!!! Ali you're a big chicken, BAD ALI." I was once again the talk of the clinic. They all think I'm very funny! And then they poked me in the arm for the 2nd shot for the H1N1. Enough already!!!!!
So after November 30th, then I have to wait until my counts climb back up again (usually 2 to 3 weeks) and then I start maintenance..... until 2013! And then we are going to celebrate!!!!! BIG TIME!!! Mom says she has 3 years to plan it and that's a very long time for her very busy brain! Should be awesome! I hope to be back to "normal" school after Xmas! yay!!!
So we're off to bed.. all of us! I will probably need a transfusion of platelets tomorrow before the big needle, so it could be a long day once again!
We're on the count down.. and it's actually a little scary!........... weird!
How is everyone? Well we're pluggin' along here. We have 11 days to go until I'm done the super hard stuff! They sure like to make it brutal right until the very last day!
Tomorrow is needle number 14! That's right.... can you believe it? Number 13 didn't go so well. That was Wednesday. I had to get poked in chest to access my VAD to give me another blood transfusion and my chemotherapy. Then they poked me in the leg - that was number 13. Just before my poke, my nurse told me she hates needles and that she's a big chicken. So when she poked me I yelled "Yeow!!! Ali you're a big chicken, BAD ALI." I was once again the talk of the clinic. They all think I'm very funny! And then they poked me in the arm for the 2nd shot for the H1N1. Enough already!!!!!
So after November 30th, then I have to wait until my counts climb back up again (usually 2 to 3 weeks) and then I start maintenance..... until 2013! And then we are going to celebrate!!!!! BIG TIME!!! Mom says she has 3 years to plan it and that's a very long time for her very busy brain! Should be awesome! I hope to be back to "normal" school after Xmas! yay!!!
So we're off to bed.. all of us! I will probably need a transfusion of platelets tomorrow before the big needle, so it could be a long day once again!
We're on the count down.. and it's actually a little scary!........... weird!
Monday, November 9, 2009
Hello everyone..
We are on the count down!!! Woot Woot!! Everything is going really well here. I'm feeling great, no side effects and everything is just pluggin' along.
We're back in clinic again tomorrow and for the next four days.. it's nothing I haven't done before so whatever. I'm still not the happiest when they access my VAD (the plastic thingy in my chest) but it is what it is. I think I look like Iron Man! :)
My mom heard that there has been some trouble accessing the Spin a Thon Website.. so here it is again.. up in the title of the blog. Thank you to everyone that has donated! Camp Good Times is suppose to be super fun and I can't wait to go next year!!!
Thank you to the Bells for the special "drop off" at the Oncology clinic. That was a pleasant surprise! xoxo wink wink.
Thank you to Nana for coming out and helping with us.
I hope this finds you all well.
Aiden aka Iron Man
We are on the count down!!! Woot Woot!! Everything is going really well here. I'm feeling great, no side effects and everything is just pluggin' along.
We're back in clinic again tomorrow and for the next four days.. it's nothing I haven't done before so whatever. I'm still not the happiest when they access my VAD (the plastic thingy in my chest) but it is what it is. I think I look like Iron Man! :)
My mom heard that there has been some trouble accessing the Spin a Thon Website.. so here it is again.. up in the title of the blog. Thank you to everyone that has donated! Camp Good Times is suppose to be super fun and I can't wait to go next year!!!
Thank you to the Bells for the special "drop off" at the Oncology clinic. That was a pleasant surprise! xoxo wink wink.
Thank you to Nana for coming out and helping with us.
I hope this finds you all well.
Aiden aka Iron Man
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Tuesday November 3rd, 2009
I'm good to go! So, normally at this stage of treatment kids are having to have blood transfusions or have to wait for treatment as their blood counts are not high enough. That my friends, is the norm. However, we've proven time and time again (even before leukemia) we are FAR from the norm! My blood counts are not only where they need to be to continue, they are DOUBLE!
Mom of course is convinced chocolate on Halloween and every day since hasn't hurt this one bit, in fact, she's certain it's helped. Why mess with a good thing!?
My steroids are still lingering around my system and my appetite is still crazy. I can't get enough Wendy's! Seriously, I dream about it. I eat something almost every hour.. mom tries to steer me healthy; oranges, carrots, banana, apple with peanut butter, and fair enough I will eat those things.. but there's nothin' like mom's mash potatoes and that packaged, high sodium gravy! Mmmm! Mom, cringes every time she makes it.. but it's soo delicious. Almost as delicious as the bacon-ater! Again, mom cringes! HA! And to top it off I think mom's a bit distracted or something! She's really been struggling with the laundry lately as she's been shrinking ALL of my pants! Geesh mom! :)
Other then that.. Nana arrives tonight to help keep this ship afloat this week. Tomorrow is the beginning of what has potential to be the last 30 days of the REALLY hard stuff. We still have 3.5 years to go after this... and lots of medicine, lots of Children's hospital visits, etc.. but the brutal part is almost over. We almost did it. And we kicked A**!
Thanks for reading. Hope this finds you well.
Mom of course is convinced chocolate on Halloween and every day since hasn't hurt this one bit, in fact, she's certain it's helped. Why mess with a good thing!?
My steroids are still lingering around my system and my appetite is still crazy. I can't get enough Wendy's! Seriously, I dream about it. I eat something almost every hour.. mom tries to steer me healthy; oranges, carrots, banana, apple with peanut butter, and fair enough I will eat those things.. but there's nothin' like mom's mash potatoes and that packaged, high sodium gravy! Mmmm! Mom, cringes every time she makes it.. but it's soo delicious. Almost as delicious as the bacon-ater! Again, mom cringes! HA! And to top it off I think mom's a bit distracted or something! She's really been struggling with the laundry lately as she's been shrinking ALL of my pants! Geesh mom! :)
Other then that.. Nana arrives tonight to help keep this ship afloat this week. Tomorrow is the beginning of what has potential to be the last 30 days of the REALLY hard stuff. We still have 3.5 years to go after this... and lots of medicine, lots of Children's hospital visits, etc.. but the brutal part is almost over. We almost did it. And we kicked A**!
Thanks for reading. Hope this finds you well.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Hello everyone..
Just an update.. my steroids are wearing off and I've been feeling really well these last couple days. No more tears and I'm really looking forward to Halloween!!
We wore our costumes at school today, and NO one recognized me. It's super super scary!
I've had my H1N1 vaccine without any side effects, it was a sinch! Seriously! Nothing compares to the needles in my legs, it was seriously a breeze. However, I am a little excited to watch Addison get it on Tuesday. Hee hee!
I wanted to let you all know that mom and some of her "network" down here in Vancouver are doing a spin a thon. They are spinning for 12 hours to raise money for Camp Good Times. That's the camp I get to go to every summer starting next year, for the rest of my life. It's a great time to meet other kids that have had leukemia, and share our stories of bravery and just be a kid. It's expensive to send us there, approximately $1500 per week. I know that each of you have been VERY generous to me and my family over the past 7 months and we all thank you.
This is a great cause and if you're able to help, that would be great... The link is below. I'll be cheering on my (very sweaty) mom on November 29th.
Thanks for reading!
Just an update.. my steroids are wearing off and I've been feeling really well these last couple days. No more tears and I'm really looking forward to Halloween!!
We wore our costumes at school today, and NO one recognized me. It's super super scary!
I've had my H1N1 vaccine without any side effects, it was a sinch! Seriously! Nothing compares to the needles in my legs, it was seriously a breeze. However, I am a little excited to watch Addison get it on Tuesday. Hee hee!
I wanted to let you all know that mom and some of her "network" down here in Vancouver are doing a spin a thon. They are spinning for 12 hours to raise money for Camp Good Times. That's the camp I get to go to every summer starting next year, for the rest of my life. It's a great time to meet other kids that have had leukemia, and share our stories of bravery and just be a kid. It's expensive to send us there, approximately $1500 per week. I know that each of you have been VERY generous to me and my family over the past 7 months and we all thank you.
This is a great cause and if you're able to help, that would be great... The link is below. I'll be cheering on my (very sweaty) mom on November 29th.
Thanks for reading!
Monday, October 26, 2009
Monday October 26
Hello everyone,
Just a quick update.. It's been a tough week for us. The steroids make my body and my emotions feel pretty crazy. Lots of tears, and I don't really even know why... Mom and I have decided we hate steroids (minus to eating part of course) Mom hates the eating part because she says she eats too.. one more day of it!!!
They thought I'd need blood this week, however so far so good. My Dr's pretty surprised it's holding so well.. but no transfusion is good news for me!
So, we're counting on another round starting next Wednesday. I'm 'count dependant' however she thinks I could be ready. I'll get my blood tested Thursday, and again on Tuesday to see how I'm holding and hopefully we're good to go. Nana's going to come out as I'm in hospital all day the first day and then once a day for three days after that. So mom's needing some help with Sally Sue as I shouldn't be in her school/ballet/when we're in clinic etc. Thanks Nana, can't wait to see you!
We carved our pumpkins last night and they are so cool. Addy got a small one and a skeleton's face carved out on it and mine has fire. They are very cool! We're pretty awesome carvers!
Tomorrow Addy and I are off to school in the morning and then we're going to Wendy's for lunch, AGAIN. ( I eat two kids chicken nugget meals with fries, sprite and sweet and sour sauce) It's so good! And then mom's going to teach us how to make playdough from scratch, go for a scooter ride (if it's not raining), and then we're having a camp out on our family room floor. Popcorn, Nachos, and Fruit is on the menu... and Kung Fu Panda! We are the funnest family ever.
Mom picked up my Halloween costume! I'm a zombie.. it's awesome!! So super scary. We're going out with the family next door and staying up for 830 fire works! Late!
Thank you to Mr Wardle and Papa for collecting their Canadian Tire money for me... I'm thinking about getting some fishing stuff.. that's the latest and greatest plan. Thanks again!!!
It's a windy rainy night tonight, perfect for sleeping and snuggling with my mom.
Hope this finds you all well. We're shutting it down and hitting the sack!
Just a quick update.. It's been a tough week for us. The steroids make my body and my emotions feel pretty crazy. Lots of tears, and I don't really even know why... Mom and I have decided we hate steroids (minus to eating part of course) Mom hates the eating part because she says she eats too.. one more day of it!!!
They thought I'd need blood this week, however so far so good. My Dr's pretty surprised it's holding so well.. but no transfusion is good news for me!
So, we're counting on another round starting next Wednesday. I'm 'count dependant' however she thinks I could be ready. I'll get my blood tested Thursday, and again on Tuesday to see how I'm holding and hopefully we're good to go. Nana's going to come out as I'm in hospital all day the first day and then once a day for three days after that. So mom's needing some help with Sally Sue as I shouldn't be in her school/ballet/when we're in clinic etc. Thanks Nana, can't wait to see you!
We carved our pumpkins last night and they are so cool. Addy got a small one and a skeleton's face carved out on it and mine has fire. They are very cool! We're pretty awesome carvers!
Tomorrow Addy and I are off to school in the morning and then we're going to Wendy's for lunch, AGAIN. ( I eat two kids chicken nugget meals with fries, sprite and sweet and sour sauce) It's so good! And then mom's going to teach us how to make playdough from scratch, go for a scooter ride (if it's not raining), and then we're having a camp out on our family room floor. Popcorn, Nachos, and Fruit is on the menu... and Kung Fu Panda! We are the funnest family ever.
Mom picked up my Halloween costume! I'm a zombie.. it's awesome!! So super scary. We're going out with the family next door and staying up for 830 fire works! Late!
Thank you to Mr Wardle and Papa for collecting their Canadian Tire money for me... I'm thinking about getting some fishing stuff.. that's the latest and greatest plan. Thanks again!!!
It's a windy rainy night tonight, perfect for sleeping and snuggling with my mom.
Hope this finds you all well. We're shutting it down and hitting the sack!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
October 21st
Hello hello!
Hope this finds you all well. Today.. today was needle number 12. That's right 12! Mom and I have found the best way to deal with it and it works awesome! I get mad, really mad. Today my nurse was Allie. She's great! Mom sits behind me on the bed, dad holds my legs, and I yell "Go Allie, Go! Get going Allie, do it!" And I squeeze mom's hands as hard as I can, and I yell a little angry yell and it's over! Phew... only 6 more to go!
I had the rest of my chemotherapy medicine today too, so I'm a little sick but I have lots of other medicine in me that is keeping it under control. I spent the afternoon coloring and drawing, we watched a movie after supper, and I was asleep my 7pm.
I'm back on the steroids which I enjoy! I eat and eat and eat. Today I had a can and a half of alphagetti, two pieces of bread and peanut butter, an apple fritter, and then some snacks for lunch. Dinner I wasn't feeling quite as hungry which can only mean........ MIDNIGHT SNACK! Drives mom crazy! Ha, especially when I ask for garlic bread or fresh mashed potatoes. She always tries to offer things like an apple, granola bar, .. you know easy stuff but that is never what I'm after. So, she gets out of bed and whips up my food of choice and then it starts all over again the minute I wake up! Last time I woke up at 6am starving and mom told me to grab some cereal and watch tv... I ate half a box of Apple Jacks, then I had my oatmeal and berries when she got up at 7!
We're plugging along taking it day by day. I'll probably need a blood transfusion next week, number 11, but other then that we have a week+ break in our schedule. I won't be feeling amazing or able to go anywhere where there are lots of people etc, but at least I have a break from the needles in the leg and the medicine.
Now mom's got to get some sleep before I wake her up for my midnight snack!
Thank you for reading!
PS - Ava, I miss you.
Hope this finds you all well. Today.. today was needle number 12. That's right 12! Mom and I have found the best way to deal with it and it works awesome! I get mad, really mad. Today my nurse was Allie. She's great! Mom sits behind me on the bed, dad holds my legs, and I yell "Go Allie, Go! Get going Allie, do it!" And I squeeze mom's hands as hard as I can, and I yell a little angry yell and it's over! Phew... only 6 more to go!
I had the rest of my chemotherapy medicine today too, so I'm a little sick but I have lots of other medicine in me that is keeping it under control. I spent the afternoon coloring and drawing, we watched a movie after supper, and I was asleep my 7pm.
I'm back on the steroids which I enjoy! I eat and eat and eat. Today I had a can and a half of alphagetti, two pieces of bread and peanut butter, an apple fritter, and then some snacks for lunch. Dinner I wasn't feeling quite as hungry which can only mean........ MIDNIGHT SNACK! Drives mom crazy! Ha, especially when I ask for garlic bread or fresh mashed potatoes. She always tries to offer things like an apple, granola bar, .. you know easy stuff but that is never what I'm after. So, she gets out of bed and whips up my food of choice and then it starts all over again the minute I wake up! Last time I woke up at 6am starving and mom told me to grab some cereal and watch tv... I ate half a box of Apple Jacks, then I had my oatmeal and berries when she got up at 7!
We're plugging along taking it day by day. I'll probably need a blood transfusion next week, number 11, but other then that we have a week+ break in our schedule. I won't be feeling amazing or able to go anywhere where there are lots of people etc, but at least I have a break from the needles in the leg and the medicine.
Now mom's got to get some sleep before I wake her up for my midnight snack!
Thank you for reading!
PS - Ava, I miss you.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Thursday October 15th
Hello everyone,
It's been a tough week however today was a better day. Mom took me off the gravol hoping it would put the spring back in my step and hopefully keep the vomit away and IT WORKED!
Wow, way better today! So much better! Not sick, more energy, and way better.
We had another needle on Wednesday and number 5 is tomorrow! Ugh! Hate them hate them hate them.. They are so tough. However, I've had my needle in my chest for 10 days and I'm excited to get it out tomorrow so I can I tickle and tackle!!!!! Yay!
We've been hangin' pretty low, coloring, playing fish, and lots of movies and snuggles.
Hope this finds you all well.. day 11 is complete!
It's been a tough week however today was a better day. Mom took me off the gravol hoping it would put the spring back in my step and hopefully keep the vomit away and IT WORKED!
Wow, way better today! So much better! Not sick, more energy, and way better.
We had another needle on Wednesday and number 5 is tomorrow! Ugh! Hate them hate them hate them.. They are so tough. However, I've had my needle in my chest for 10 days and I'm excited to get it out tomorrow so I can I tickle and tackle!!!!! Yay!
We've been hangin' pretty low, coloring, playing fish, and lots of movies and snuggles.
Hope this finds you all well.. day 11 is complete!
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Saturday October 10th
Hey.. it still sucks......However, tonight is better!
I had my needle in my leg yesterday and I WAS NOT HAPPY ABOUT IT.. and let me tell you the ENTIRE Oncology clinic knew it. Nurses even came in after and were cheering me on, telling me how spectacular my lungs are and everything.
Then we had to do the booger test again! Yes, again! They stuck the water up my nose and I had to blow out my boogers into a cup. Funny!
Then last night we all went to Stanley Park and went on the Ghost Train. I wasn't feeling great but I pushed through.. A raccoon came right up to Addy and tried to steal her hot chocolate. Mom ran over and picked her up so fast I thought Addy was flying. The raccoon didn't even flinch.. it was so cool. The Ghost Train was pretty freaky, but I know it's not real.
I just about made it home and... sick again! Mom's poor car! Seriously! So, for the rest of the night I was pretty medicated and up again in the middle for more. I felt terrible again this morning, so mom called the Oncologist and got me into the hospital for a check.. and on the way.. sick again.. just as I was leaving mom's car!
I was dehydrated, tired, and not feeling well at all. So, they pumped me full of goodness, took my blood and we left about 4pm. And then I was starving!!!!
So, I ate A&W, sushi, then mom roasted a chicken with home aid stuffing and creamed corn. I had two separate sittings of chicken after my sushi, then I watched some TV and had apple pie! I think the steroids are finally kickin' in!!! Watch out scale!
So, it's been a tough couple days however I think we're on the upswing! Just in time for turkey, ham, potatoes, desserts, etc.
Back on Thanksgiving Monday for another needle...
I hope every body has a fantastic Thanksgiving! We are thankful for the fact that I'm getting better, we have a fantastic place to stay, we have a great nurses and Dr's looking after me, my grandparents, my sister (my mom said I had to put that), my friends, my family, my mom's friends, and as much as this round is terrible... we are thankful it's the a last round *then 3 years of Maintenance.. which we can do.
** Thanks to Blaise and Colette for the lovely card and letter!
Happy Thanksgiving and thank you for reading,
I had my needle in my leg yesterday and I WAS NOT HAPPY ABOUT IT.. and let me tell you the ENTIRE Oncology clinic knew it. Nurses even came in after and were cheering me on, telling me how spectacular my lungs are and everything.
Then we had to do the booger test again! Yes, again! They stuck the water up my nose and I had to blow out my boogers into a cup. Funny!
Then last night we all went to Stanley Park and went on the Ghost Train. I wasn't feeling great but I pushed through.. A raccoon came right up to Addy and tried to steal her hot chocolate. Mom ran over and picked her up so fast I thought Addy was flying. The raccoon didn't even flinch.. it was so cool. The Ghost Train was pretty freaky, but I know it's not real.
I just about made it home and... sick again! Mom's poor car! Seriously! So, for the rest of the night I was pretty medicated and up again in the middle for more. I felt terrible again this morning, so mom called the Oncologist and got me into the hospital for a check.. and on the way.. sick again.. just as I was leaving mom's car!
I was dehydrated, tired, and not feeling well at all. So, they pumped me full of goodness, took my blood and we left about 4pm. And then I was starving!!!!
So, I ate A&W, sushi, then mom roasted a chicken with home aid stuffing and creamed corn. I had two separate sittings of chicken after my sushi, then I watched some TV and had apple pie! I think the steroids are finally kickin' in!!! Watch out scale!
So, it's been a tough couple days however I think we're on the upswing! Just in time for turkey, ham, potatoes, desserts, etc.
Back on Thanksgiving Monday for another needle...
I hope every body has a fantastic Thanksgiving! We are thankful for the fact that I'm getting better, we have a fantastic place to stay, we have a great nurses and Dr's looking after me, my grandparents, my sister (my mom said I had to put that), my friends, my family, my mom's friends, and as much as this round is terrible... we are thankful it's the a last round *then 3 years of Maintenance.. which we can do.
** Thanks to Blaise and Colette for the lovely card and letter!
Happy Thanksgiving and thank you for reading,
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Thursday October 8th
Well.... it's begun! This round officially sucks!
I got up and went to school today however probably shouldn't have. I hit a wall pretty early in and then just hung out at home, pretty quiet for the rest of the day. Feelin' yucky yucky yucky! And to top it off I'm getting a cold, so mom's been email my nurse all afternoon.
Tomorrow, intra muscular injections start and they'll have to run some tests with my cold. There's potential we could be admitted to hospital, but we'll have to see what the results say... Seriously people, are we almost done!?
Everything else is fine. Addy's good and crazy as usual and keep us all laughing!
Thanks for reading!.... I've actually been asleep since 630pm, I just told mom what to write before I fell asleep... up at 1am for more meds. I always wonder who's up at that time of the night.. mom always say "The police, sometimes the firemen, and the crazies." , who ever they are???
I got up and went to school today however probably shouldn't have. I hit a wall pretty early in and then just hung out at home, pretty quiet for the rest of the day. Feelin' yucky yucky yucky! And to top it off I'm getting a cold, so mom's been email my nurse all afternoon.
Tomorrow, intra muscular injections start and they'll have to run some tests with my cold. There's potential we could be admitted to hospital, but we'll have to see what the results say... Seriously people, are we almost done!?
Everything else is fine. Addy's good and crazy as usual and keep us all laughing!
Thanks for reading!.... I've actually been asleep since 630pm, I just told mom what to write before I fell asleep... up at 1am for more meds. I always wonder who's up at that time of the night.. mom always say "The police, sometimes the firemen, and the crazies." , who ever they are???
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Tuesday October 6th
Hello everyone!
Great day again today... the last sleep before my last round!
I got up and we went to the hospital this morning to get my blood checked for tomorrow. One of my levels (ANC) needs to be at .75 before I'm suppose to start. It came back at .72! So, mom talked to our nurse, who then talked to my Dr and I'm going ahead!!
I went to schoold and then we got organized to take mom to give blood for the first time! I've had 10 transfusions already, so it's time! Some news and radio people were there and we talked for a bit. Global was suppose to come, but didn't show! CBC ran a quick clip at 5pm and we hope to see it again at 10pm tonight! SHAW was there and we'll be on all day Sunday!! I made sure I added that if Mr Luongo was watching I'd really like to meet him! You have to take advantage of these key moments!
Then we went scootering and enjoyed the rest of the afternoon and tonight we watched Harry POTTER.
Tomorrow shouldn't be too bad. A Spinal in the morning first thing.. so no breakfast. Then three different chemotherapy medications to follow. Hope to be out of there by noon.
One of the chemo medications makes me super sick, so we're trying a new anti nausea drug that's made from marijuana, I hear it's a plant that makes people super silly! I took it tonight and it made me a little crazy!! Fun though! I also start steriods again tomorrow which mean cooking cooking cooking for mom! They make me so hungry! Last time I ate an entire roasted chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy and a whole can of corn! I even used to wake up in the night and ask mom to make me an omelet!.. and SHE DID! The intra muscular injections start again on Friday.. those are super terrible... 12 more to go! We count through them and it takes about 18 seconds on average. It's the worst 18 seconds of my day.. but it'll make me better!
Hope you all can catch the quick clip on CBC tonight and if not try to tune in to SHAW on the weekend. I hope to get a copy of it, and I'll add it to the blog soon.
Thanks for reading! Welcome to the final stage people! Wish me luck it's going to be a tough one! .... but nothing we can't handle!
Great day again today... the last sleep before my last round!
I got up and we went to the hospital this morning to get my blood checked for tomorrow. One of my levels (ANC) needs to be at .75 before I'm suppose to start. It came back at .72! So, mom talked to our nurse, who then talked to my Dr and I'm going ahead!!
I went to schoold and then we got organized to take mom to give blood for the first time! I've had 10 transfusions already, so it's time! Some news and radio people were there and we talked for a bit. Global was suppose to come, but didn't show! CBC ran a quick clip at 5pm and we hope to see it again at 10pm tonight! SHAW was there and we'll be on all day Sunday!! I made sure I added that if Mr Luongo was watching I'd really like to meet him! You have to take advantage of these key moments!
Then we went scootering and enjoyed the rest of the afternoon and tonight we watched Harry POTTER.
Tomorrow shouldn't be too bad. A Spinal in the morning first thing.. so no breakfast. Then three different chemotherapy medications to follow. Hope to be out of there by noon.
One of the chemo medications makes me super sick, so we're trying a new anti nausea drug that's made from marijuana, I hear it's a plant that makes people super silly! I took it tonight and it made me a little crazy!! Fun though! I also start steriods again tomorrow which mean cooking cooking cooking for mom! They make me so hungry! Last time I ate an entire roasted chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy and a whole can of corn! I even used to wake up in the night and ask mom to make me an omelet!.. and SHE DID! The intra muscular injections start again on Friday.. those are super terrible... 12 more to go! We count through them and it takes about 18 seconds on average. It's the worst 18 seconds of my day.. but it'll make me better!
Hope you all can catch the quick clip on CBC tonight and if not try to tune in to SHAW on the weekend. I hope to get a copy of it, and I'll add it to the blog soon.
Thanks for reading! Welcome to the final stage people! Wish me luck it's going to be a tough one! .... but nothing we can't handle!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Thursday October 1st
Hello Everyone!
Just thought I'd bring you up to speed on life and time off! We've been crazy busy enjoying life here. We've been up in the RCMP helicopter, we've been to playland, parks, school, puddle jumping, etc.. it's been fantastic!
We met up with Annie and Ron tonight for dinner, thank you for everything it was great to see you!! Renee is bringing Ty and Carson down this weekend and I'm so excited to see my friends. We're going to scooter around the Sea Wall, the weather is suppose to be perfect.. can't wait!!
We had our meeting about the next round and it's going to be long and tough, but it's the last one! The last one! Did you hear me THE LAST ONE!
So, on that note... mom is asking PLEASE no more "presents" be sent down for me or Addison. We're in the learning curve back to reality. Thank you to everyone for all you've given to me and to my family over this past 5 months. It's been amazing, unbelievable and fantastic.. however, it's time that we get back to "normal life" it's important for all of us, especially for me.
So, we're asking instead of gifts for us, we would like each and every one of you, if able, to give blood. Mom and I will be on Global TV news on Tuesday October 6 trying to encourage people to give blood over the Thanksgiving weekend. I have had 10 blood transfusions already and probably 2-3 more to come this round. So, please, if you're able, GIVE BLOOD FOR THANKSGIVING.
Hope this finds you all well. Thank you to everyone for reading.
Just thought I'd bring you up to speed on life and time off! We've been crazy busy enjoying life here. We've been up in the RCMP helicopter, we've been to playland, parks, school, puddle jumping, etc.. it's been fantastic!
We met up with Annie and Ron tonight for dinner, thank you for everything it was great to see you!! Renee is bringing Ty and Carson down this weekend and I'm so excited to see my friends. We're going to scooter around the Sea Wall, the weather is suppose to be perfect.. can't wait!!
We had our meeting about the next round and it's going to be long and tough, but it's the last one! The last one! Did you hear me THE LAST ONE!
So, on that note... mom is asking PLEASE no more "presents" be sent down for me or Addison. We're in the learning curve back to reality. Thank you to everyone for all you've given to me and to my family over this past 5 months. It's been amazing, unbelievable and fantastic.. however, it's time that we get back to "normal life" it's important for all of us, especially for me.
So, we're asking instead of gifts for us, we would like each and every one of you, if able, to give blood. Mom and I will be on Global TV news on Tuesday October 6 trying to encourage people to give blood over the Thanksgiving weekend. I have had 10 blood transfusions already and probably 2-3 more to come this round. So, please, if you're able, GIVE BLOOD FOR THANKSGIVING.
Hope this finds you all well. Thank you to everyone for reading.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Monday Sept 21st
Hello everyone..
Just a quick note to let you all know we're enjoying the start of our 3 WEEKS OFF and can't believe the weather that's coming for us! This is amazing!
My counts were so good today we spent the afternoon at Science World with Dad and then when mom picked us up we went to the hockey game! It was so fun! Addy and I played "Find Fin" (the mascot) and we ate cotton candy and popcorn.. the game went pretty fast and the Canucks won 2 to 0. However, when I was lying in bed I thought I heard the hockey game on TV.... must be my mistake... we wouldn't just stay for one period... would we?
Mom couldn't go to work this week as the H1N1 virus reared it's ugly head at HQ. So, she caught up with an old friend from high school, Jodi. I've never met her, but I like her already! She sends Bionicles! Thanks Jodi!! Thanks for the gifts for Addy and mom too! Mom had a great visit!
Then The Campbell's sent a care package down! The favorite is the book for mom with our pictures on it, and the Hurt Free Antiseptic Wash! Because it's really Hurt Free and it lets me be a boy! Thank you for everything you sent xo
Then just to top off the night!!!.. when we get home from the game there is a package under the door addressed to Mom from Papa. I had mentioned to him... if he wouldn't mind... he could save his Canadian Tire money for me. Well Papa not only saved his, he recruited his buddies! I'm RICH! I'm RICH! Thank you Papa, Thank you Mr. Epp, and Thank you Mr. Wardle!!!! I'm going shopping! I am thinking of getting a new lacrosse stick, and maybe some road hockey goalie equipment!
It's been a great start to these 3 weeks off.. and we're not even thinking about what's to come. Enjoying the time together and this amazing weather.
We hope this finds you all well. Thank you for reading. I have to get to bed and up for school in the morning.
Just a quick note to let you all know we're enjoying the start of our 3 WEEKS OFF and can't believe the weather that's coming for us! This is amazing!
My counts were so good today we spent the afternoon at Science World with Dad and then when mom picked us up we went to the hockey game! It was so fun! Addy and I played "Find Fin" (the mascot) and we ate cotton candy and popcorn.. the game went pretty fast and the Canucks won 2 to 0. However, when I was lying in bed I thought I heard the hockey game on TV.... must be my mistake... we wouldn't just stay for one period... would we?
Mom couldn't go to work this week as the H1N1 virus reared it's ugly head at HQ. So, she caught up with an old friend from high school, Jodi. I've never met her, but I like her already! She sends Bionicles! Thanks Jodi!! Thanks for the gifts for Addy and mom too! Mom had a great visit!
Then The Campbell's sent a care package down! The favorite is the book for mom with our pictures on it, and the Hurt Free Antiseptic Wash! Because it's really Hurt Free and it lets me be a boy! Thank you for everything you sent xo
Then just to top off the night!!!.. when we get home from the game there is a package under the door addressed to Mom from Papa. I had mentioned to him... if he wouldn't mind... he could save his Canadian Tire money for me. Well Papa not only saved his, he recruited his buddies! I'm RICH! I'm RICH! Thank you Papa, Thank you Mr. Epp, and Thank you Mr. Wardle!!!! I'm going shopping! I am thinking of getting a new lacrosse stick, and maybe some road hockey goalie equipment!
It's been a great start to these 3 weeks off.. and we're not even thinking about what's to come. Enjoying the time together and this amazing weather.
We hope this finds you all well. Thank you for reading. I have to get to bed and up for school in the morning.
Friday, September 18, 2009
September 18th
Hello everyone! Well... I'm proof that water + chocolate = no hospital!
Last night was a much better night.. I was still feeling pretty sick, but I never GOT sick! When I woke up this morning I felt amazing! Dad even took me down to school. I had a great morning then mom brought me Wendy's (my favorite) for lunch, and we hung out for the afternoon. Addy and Nana were here for a bit and we played on the deck, then we went to a different toy room on the south side of the hospital and checked it out for a bit, we drew, we played some ds.. Nana brought us some supper and now we're hitting the tub so I'm bathed and ready to go home as soon as my blood work comes back.. (probably around 9pm, however mom says she doesn't care if it's midnight we're going home TONIGHT!)
So tomorrow we're going to hang out with Nana until she has to fly home, and hopefully hit the beach for a picnic dinner. Sunday I go to Dad's and Monday when mom picks me up we get to go watch the Canucks play! (As long as my counts are good!)
Since we have the next 3 WEEKS OFF, we're hoping to hit a couple BC Lions Games, Canucks, Vancouver Canadians, Playland etc. If my counts stay high, we're good to go!
Not scheduled back in hospital until October 7th! The next round will be the toughest yet, including more intra muscular injections, extreme chemo, steroids etc, but it's also our last! YAY!!!! So, it's gonna ... you know.. but we'll be fine.
Hope this finds you well, and everyone is enjoying the amazing fall we're having. We're a little tired here, but we are good! (nothing chocolate can't fix!)
Last night was a much better night.. I was still feeling pretty sick, but I never GOT sick! When I woke up this morning I felt amazing! Dad even took me down to school. I had a great morning then mom brought me Wendy's (my favorite) for lunch, and we hung out for the afternoon. Addy and Nana were here for a bit and we played on the deck, then we went to a different toy room on the south side of the hospital and checked it out for a bit, we drew, we played some ds.. Nana brought us some supper and now we're hitting the tub so I'm bathed and ready to go home as soon as my blood work comes back.. (probably around 9pm, however mom says she doesn't care if it's midnight we're going home TONIGHT!)
So tomorrow we're going to hang out with Nana until she has to fly home, and hopefully hit the beach for a picnic dinner. Sunday I go to Dad's and Monday when mom picks me up we get to go watch the Canucks play! (As long as my counts are good!)
Since we have the next 3 WEEKS OFF, we're hoping to hit a couple BC Lions Games, Canucks, Vancouver Canadians, Playland etc. If my counts stay high, we're good to go!
Not scheduled back in hospital until October 7th! The next round will be the toughest yet, including more intra muscular injections, extreme chemo, steroids etc, but it's also our last! YAY!!!! So, it's gonna ... you know.. but we'll be fine.
Hope this finds you well, and everyone is enjoying the amazing fall we're having. We're a little tired here, but we are good! (nothing chocolate can't fix!)
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
September 16th
Hello hello everyone... Well in for our last set of 3 -5 days in hospital. We arrived here today at 1030am and hydrated until they hung my medicine at 6pm. I'm feeling pretty good. A little sick here and there but overall I'm kickin butt.
So, the plan is to drink a ton of water!!!! Get this medicine out of my system. So water + chocolate = out early.
I have a great nurse tonight, Alan. He's super funny and is cracking us up. I just finished a bag a popcorn, guitar hero, and some TV.
Nana's watching Addy and I'm sure she's driving her bananas! Thanks to Nana for coming down and helping out with crazy!
Thanks to Ava for the card you sent me in the mail! Perfect timing and I made one for you that mommy will send off.
Hope this email finds you all well. I'll be in touch tomorrow.
Thanks for reading!
So, the plan is to drink a ton of water!!!! Get this medicine out of my system. So water + chocolate = out early.
I have a great nurse tonight, Alan. He's super funny and is cracking us up. I just finished a bag a popcorn, guitar hero, and some TV.
Nana's watching Addy and I'm sure she's driving her bananas! Thanks to Nana for coming down and helping out with crazy!
Thanks to Ava for the card you sent me in the mail! Perfect timing and I made one for you that mommy will send off.
Hope this email finds you all well. I'll be in touch tomorrow.
Thanks for reading!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Saturday September 12th
Hello Everyone,
Just a quick hi from Vancouver. Been a busy week back in the swing of things here. Addy and I are both back at school, Addy's in Ballet as well, so we're super busy every day.
I've been feeling great and we're scheduled back in hospital on Wednesday... again for 72 hours of no sleep. Last time for this. Nana's coming to help out.. which will make it way better!
Today we got up super early and headed down to the beach. The tide was at it's lowest at 6am and although I was up at 618am mom said no way. So we got up at 7am and we were at the beach by 8am. We had a great long walk and then Addy and I made sand castles and I found ton of crab.
We did some errands, then we were home all tubbed by 2pm and spent the rest of the afternoon using our imaginations.
Deb Taylor arrived today and had supper together and then played a solid game of tickle and tackle! She's pretty good at it, for having no kids. :)
Thanks Deb for coming and spending the night with us and our gifts! Boinicle build off again next time.
Hope this finds you all well. Happy birthday to my cousin! Happy birthday Mac! And Happy Anniversary to Nana and Papa! 40 years tomorrow!
I'll be in touch on Wednesday when we're back in.
Thanks for reading.
Just a quick hi from Vancouver. Been a busy week back in the swing of things here. Addy and I are both back at school, Addy's in Ballet as well, so we're super busy every day.
I've been feeling great and we're scheduled back in hospital on Wednesday... again for 72 hours of no sleep. Last time for this. Nana's coming to help out.. which will make it way better!
Today we got up super early and headed down to the beach. The tide was at it's lowest at 6am and although I was up at 618am mom said no way. So we got up at 7am and we were at the beach by 8am. We had a great long walk and then Addy and I made sand castles and I found ton of crab.
We did some errands, then we were home all tubbed by 2pm and spent the rest of the afternoon using our imaginations.
Deb Taylor arrived today and had supper together and then played a solid game of tickle and tackle! She's pretty good at it, for having no kids. :)
Thanks Deb for coming and spending the night with us and our gifts! Boinicle build off again next time.
Hope this finds you all well. Happy birthday to my cousin! Happy birthday Mac! And Happy Anniversary to Nana and Papa! 40 years tomorrow!
I'll be in touch on Wednesday when we're back in.
Thanks for reading.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Saturday September 5th
We're out.
Hello everyone.. we're home and we're bagged. This round didn't go as smooth as the last. We had a bit of a hiccup in the middle. I was pretty sick, and then I couldn't get rid of the fluids I needed to so my body didn't get rid of the drug as well. So we were up every two hours for 3 nights in a row... It's been a long couple days!
We got out today around noon, and my friend Camryn from my school (she now lives down here) met us at Starbucks. We had a great visit and mom said it was perfect timing for some caffeine!
When we got home, it was FINALLY raining down here. So we got on our rain gear and headed out to jump puddles. We made it as far as the neighbours and ended up playing outside in their yard for 2 hours. We found tons of slugs and snails, ate blueberries off their blueberry bush, and ran around, it was great. On the way home we jumped in two puddles! We hit tub, played some guitar hero, now were picking a movie and calling it an early night. Mom has to work in the morning!
Thanks to The EVANS, I loved the letter. It was nice to meet you, by mail :) And thank you very much for the gift.
Thanks to Camryn, Emerson and her mom for the visit when we got out.
Thanks to Nana for helping tidy up the Kelowna house; throwing out plants, too small shoes etc is never a fun job. And thanks to Papa for cutting our lawn. I heard you broke the lawn mower??
And thanks to everyone for reading.. we're off for a movie and bed!
Hello everyone.. we're home and we're bagged. This round didn't go as smooth as the last. We had a bit of a hiccup in the middle. I was pretty sick, and then I couldn't get rid of the fluids I needed to so my body didn't get rid of the drug as well. So we were up every two hours for 3 nights in a row... It's been a long couple days!
We got out today around noon, and my friend Camryn from my school (she now lives down here) met us at Starbucks. We had a great visit and mom said it was perfect timing for some caffeine!
When we got home, it was FINALLY raining down here. So we got on our rain gear and headed out to jump puddles. We made it as far as the neighbours and ended up playing outside in their yard for 2 hours. We found tons of slugs and snails, ate blueberries off their blueberry bush, and ran around, it was great. On the way home we jumped in two puddles! We hit tub, played some guitar hero, now were picking a movie and calling it an early night. Mom has to work in the morning!
Thanks to The EVANS, I loved the letter. It was nice to meet you, by mail :) And thank you very much for the gift.
Thanks to Camryn, Emerson and her mom for the visit when we got out.
Thanks to Nana for helping tidy up the Kelowna house; throwing out plants, too small shoes etc is never a fun job. And thanks to Papa for cutting our lawn. I heard you broke the lawn mower??
And thanks to everyone for reading.. we're off for a movie and bed!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Wednesday September 2nd
Hello from Children's hospital,
All's well here... been in the hospital since 830 this morning. They put me out to do my spinal which I always hate, but it was fine.
They had me in isolation this morning because I have had a cold. In order to get out of isolation they had to test my boogers! Ha, seriously! So, my nurse comes in and puts saline up one of my nostrils and i have to plug the other one and blow all the saline/snot out of my nose into this cup. It was hilarious. Everyone was cheering me on and yelling!! There was probably 7 people in the room at the time.. people get so excited about the weirdest stuff around this place.
Anyways, they tested my boogies and I was let out of isolation around 3pm.
I stood on the scale today and my weight is perfect for my height.. next round the steroids begin again.. so I could be putting on some LBS starting October 1. Mom jumped on the scale too and told my nurse that Leukemia makes mom's gain weight!!! GROUCHY....
We played some games and then we went up to our room around 530. Mom and I have been playing guitar hero and we ordered pizza for dinner as the food here is terrible!
Now were getting ready for bed! Tub, book and then up EVERY two hours to pee! AWESOME!
We only have one more of these after this... One more gross tiring stint like this one. .. We can do it!
Mom's already fed me chocolate, so hopefully we're out by Friday evening. Addy starts school Friday morning, I start Tuesday and Addy starts ballet Thursday next week too.. busy busy busy!!! Just how mommy likes it!
Hope this finds you well...
All's well here... been in the hospital since 830 this morning. They put me out to do my spinal which I always hate, but it was fine.
They had me in isolation this morning because I have had a cold. In order to get out of isolation they had to test my boogers! Ha, seriously! So, my nurse comes in and puts saline up one of my nostrils and i have to plug the other one and blow all the saline/snot out of my nose into this cup. It was hilarious. Everyone was cheering me on and yelling!! There was probably 7 people in the room at the time.. people get so excited about the weirdest stuff around this place.
Anyways, they tested my boogies and I was let out of isolation around 3pm.
I stood on the scale today and my weight is perfect for my height.. next round the steroids begin again.. so I could be putting on some LBS starting October 1. Mom jumped on the scale too and told my nurse that Leukemia makes mom's gain weight!!! GROUCHY....
We played some games and then we went up to our room around 530. Mom and I have been playing guitar hero and we ordered pizza for dinner as the food here is terrible!
Now were getting ready for bed! Tub, book and then up EVERY two hours to pee! AWESOME!
We only have one more of these after this... One more gross tiring stint like this one. .. We can do it!
Mom's already fed me chocolate, so hopefully we're out by Friday evening. Addy starts school Friday morning, I start Tuesday and Addy starts ballet Thursday next week too.. busy busy busy!!! Just how mommy likes it!
Hope this finds you well...
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Tuesday September 1st
Hello from Vancouver,
We've been having a great time winding up the last few days of summer. I've had a cold this week, and been pretty tired however still time for fun.
Today we spent the day outside as much as we could. First I had my blood tested at the hospital and it's amazing! Chocolate chocolate chocolate, so we're good to go tomorrow morning at 830am.
So, after blood we met the Campbell's, from Kelowna, down at the beach. We(me, Addy, mom, Kenzie Sue, McGregor, and Barb) Ran and ran and ran. Mom and Kenzie did a a workout in the water with lots of running and the rest of us did some working out however mostly found crabs, jelly fish, shells, clams, worms, sea weed etc. It was a great way to spend the day!
They brought fresh plums from their orchard that are delicious! Thanks guys! Great day!!!!
Addy starts school this Friday, I start on Tuesday, and then Addy also starts ballet on Thursday. Mom is busy with work, hospital, taking us to school, activities etc! Just how she likes it!
Also thank you the fund raising done from Oranj Dance and Fitness for me. I bought a second guitar for Guitar Hero so Dad #2 and I can rock it out together! :) I'm playing medium already! I think I found my calling.... ROCKSTAR!
So, home and scrubbed down by early afternoon and in our jammiez. Mom was hoping for a nap for all of us, however it's turned into a super early night instead! Bedtime 630pm!
Hospital for 3-5 days starting tomorrow, however we hope to be out again by Friday! Chocolate chocolate chocolate!
Hope this finds you all well and we hope the Campbell's had a quick and safe drive home.
We've been having a great time winding up the last few days of summer. I've had a cold this week, and been pretty tired however still time for fun.
Today we spent the day outside as much as we could. First I had my blood tested at the hospital and it's amazing! Chocolate chocolate chocolate, so we're good to go tomorrow morning at 830am.
So, after blood we met the Campbell's, from Kelowna, down at the beach. We(me, Addy, mom, Kenzie Sue, McGregor, and Barb) Ran and ran and ran. Mom and Kenzie did a a workout in the water with lots of running and the rest of us did some working out however mostly found crabs, jelly fish, shells, clams, worms, sea weed etc. It was a great way to spend the day!
They brought fresh plums from their orchard that are delicious! Thanks guys! Great day!!!!
Addy starts school this Friday, I start on Tuesday, and then Addy also starts ballet on Thursday. Mom is busy with work, hospital, taking us to school, activities etc! Just how she likes it!
Also thank you the fund raising done from Oranj Dance and Fitness for me. I bought a second guitar for Guitar Hero so Dad #2 and I can rock it out together! :) I'm playing medium already! I think I found my calling.... ROCKSTAR!
So, home and scrubbed down by early afternoon and in our jammiez. Mom was hoping for a nap for all of us, however it's turned into a super early night instead! Bedtime 630pm!
Hospital for 3-5 days starting tomorrow, however we hope to be out again by Friday! Chocolate chocolate chocolate!
Hope this finds you all well and we hope the Campbell's had a quick and safe drive home.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Just a quick update.. I feel great! Mom's been keeping us busy, out every day on all sorts of adventures!! She says it's almost back to "September routine" so we're packing in every fun thing we can.
We've spent a lot of time at Purdy's chocolates trying all sorts of chocolate. The 90% was way too bitter (nice try though mom), the 75% Cocoa, not too bad, but the mint/70% is the best so far. The dark chocolate snow balls aren't too shabby either.
Mom had lunch with Renee the other day and it made her day!
Hope all is well with everyone.. things here are great!
Thanks to Papa who agreed to save all his Canadian Tire money for me! I think my lacrosse gear might be too small next year and I can't wait to buy some new stuff. Thanks PAPA.
Back in hospital on next Wednesday.. for hopefully just 2!!!
Just a quick update.. I feel great! Mom's been keeping us busy, out every day on all sorts of adventures!! She says it's almost back to "September routine" so we're packing in every fun thing we can.
We've spent a lot of time at Purdy's chocolates trying all sorts of chocolate. The 90% was way too bitter (nice try though mom), the 75% Cocoa, not too bad, but the mint/70% is the best so far. The dark chocolate snow balls aren't too shabby either.
Mom had lunch with Renee the other day and it made her day!
Hope all is well with everyone.. things here are great!
Thanks to Papa who agreed to save all his Canadian Tire money for me! I think my lacrosse gear might be too small next year and I can't wait to buy some new stuff. Thanks PAPA.
Back in hospital on next Wednesday.. for hopefully just 2!!!
Friday, August 21, 2009
Friday Aug 21st 8pm, we're out!
That's right!! We're out!!!
The Dr's are amazed with me! It was a rough afternoon yesterday being sick, feeling pretty terrible and stuck inside my room for 24 hours straight while the chemo is running.... but today my friends it all turned around!!!
When I'm done getting the gigantic amount of chemo they give a "rescue drug" to help control the levels and to help my body get rid of it. That number, in my blood, needs to be at .4 before we can go home. Well before even giving me the rescue drug this morning my blood was already at .43! So, when they took my blood again at 5pm, the Dr felt we MAY be good to go tonight!! Unheard of. Usually 3 - 5 days!!!
So, we had some dinner, played some DS, watched at movie and at 730pm the blood results were in..... my blood was at .27! Even my good white blood cell count was climbing instead of falling (it's as good as yours right now!).. so the paper work was done, bags were packed, we picked up Addy and home by 830pm!
We are all so happy and celebrating tomorrow by hitting the beach, eating too much ice cream, breakfast in bed (for mom), a bbq, and watching movies all together tomorrow night!
Home sweet home.. In our own beds.. Ahhh! (and we're half done this round!) It's time to celebrate!!
G'night from my bed in my room!
PS -TRUE TRUE TRUE New research says dark chocolate helps keep blood count healthy and high! So, you can just imagine my over the top mom!! Chocolate chocolate chocolate! Could be worse. Two kids I know that also have leukemia haven't had any blood transfusions since their mom's started giving them dark chocolate pieces 3 times per day.. how amazing is that!? I started it Wednesday and look what happened to me this week! Maybe mom was right, chocolate DOES help makes it all better! :)
The Dr's are amazed with me! It was a rough afternoon yesterday being sick, feeling pretty terrible and stuck inside my room for 24 hours straight while the chemo is running.... but today my friends it all turned around!!!
When I'm done getting the gigantic amount of chemo they give a "rescue drug" to help control the levels and to help my body get rid of it. That number, in my blood, needs to be at .4 before we can go home. Well before even giving me the rescue drug this morning my blood was already at .43! So, when they took my blood again at 5pm, the Dr felt we MAY be good to go tonight!! Unheard of. Usually 3 - 5 days!!!
So, we had some dinner, played some DS, watched at movie and at 730pm the blood results were in..... my blood was at .27! Even my good white blood cell count was climbing instead of falling (it's as good as yours right now!).. so the paper work was done, bags were packed, we picked up Addy and home by 830pm!
We are all so happy and celebrating tomorrow by hitting the beach, eating too much ice cream, breakfast in bed (for mom), a bbq, and watching movies all together tomorrow night!
Home sweet home.. In our own beds.. Ahhh! (and we're half done this round!) It's time to celebrate!!
G'night from my bed in my room!
PS -TRUE TRUE TRUE New research says dark chocolate helps keep blood count healthy and high! So, you can just imagine my over the top mom!! Chocolate chocolate chocolate! Could be worse. Two kids I know that also have leukemia haven't had any blood transfusions since their mom's started giving them dark chocolate pieces 3 times per day.. how amazing is that!? I started it Wednesday and look what happened to me this week! Maybe mom was right, chocolate DOES help makes it all better! :)
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Wednesday August 19th - Day 15 of this round
Hello everyone..
Well Addy's back THAT's FOR SURE! I was actually starting to miss her a little by the end and the first day back together was great... now, I would be okay sending her back with Nana and Papa again. However, mom is VERY happy to have her home.
We had a great day with Nana and Papa at the beach yesterday! We saw a huge purple jellyfish that was in the sand... it was crazy! HUGE!! Really HUGE! Papa and I caught tons of crabs and then we caught a live clam. We took it home to dissect it and learn all about each part etc. Papa was a little "ticked" about taking nature away from nature, however when we got home and googled clams and I learned all about each part of it's body, what they eat, how they move etc... guess who the first one in there was with me and mom on the computer? Papa!!
They watched Addy today while we were in clinic and now they've headed back to Kelowna for the night. They came to the hospital to say good bye.. Thank you for everything!! xox
Back in hospital today until the weekend (Saturday or Sunday).. Hydrating my body, and the medicine started at 5pm and runs for 24 hours straight. Mom made sure I got ALL my medicine to help me not get sick and it appears to be helping. I'm sucking on ice chips to help prevent mouth sores, as I really don't want those!!!
Dad #2 surprised us and showed up a day early, just as Nana and Papa were leaving. So that worked out really well. We're currently getting guitar hero set up in our room and then dinner, and shuttin' er down.. for a sleepless night! Told mom we should watch movies all night however, not happen'. Mom's sleeping in a chair tonight as there are no cots left in the hospital.. and she's not super happy about it! At all!!! But she says she can deal with it for one night...
Other then that .. our life is here for the next 4 or so days..
Thanks again to Nana and Papa for all the fun and helping with Addison .... and Papa, I'll be fine.. I promise! Don't worry, don't be sad, I'll be okay. It's tough, but I'm tough.. remember I AM A ROGERS! And that means I can beat this 100%, we can do anything!
Love to everyone.. especially my Papa tonight!
Well Addy's back THAT's FOR SURE! I was actually starting to miss her a little by the end and the first day back together was great... now, I would be okay sending her back with Nana and Papa again. However, mom is VERY happy to have her home.
We had a great day with Nana and Papa at the beach yesterday! We saw a huge purple jellyfish that was in the sand... it was crazy! HUGE!! Really HUGE! Papa and I caught tons of crabs and then we caught a live clam. We took it home to dissect it and learn all about each part etc. Papa was a little "ticked" about taking nature away from nature, however when we got home and googled clams and I learned all about each part of it's body, what they eat, how they move etc... guess who the first one in there was with me and mom on the computer? Papa!!
They watched Addy today while we were in clinic and now they've headed back to Kelowna for the night. They came to the hospital to say good bye.. Thank you for everything!! xox
Back in hospital today until the weekend (Saturday or Sunday).. Hydrating my body, and the medicine started at 5pm and runs for 24 hours straight. Mom made sure I got ALL my medicine to help me not get sick and it appears to be helping. I'm sucking on ice chips to help prevent mouth sores, as I really don't want those!!!
Dad #2 surprised us and showed up a day early, just as Nana and Papa were leaving. So that worked out really well. We're currently getting guitar hero set up in our room and then dinner, and shuttin' er down.. for a sleepless night! Told mom we should watch movies all night however, not happen'. Mom's sleeping in a chair tonight as there are no cots left in the hospital.. and she's not super happy about it! At all!!! But she says she can deal with it for one night...
Other then that .. our life is here for the next 4 or so days..
Thanks again to Nana and Papa for all the fun and helping with Addison .... and Papa, I'll be fine.. I promise! Don't worry, don't be sad, I'll be okay. It's tough, but I'm tough.. remember I AM A ROGERS! And that means I can beat this 100%, we can do anything!
Love to everyone.. especially my Papa tonight!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
August 13th
Hello everyone,
Sorry for the delay in the update.. we've been busy catching up on sleep, playing rock band, getting ready for school (school work already), hanging out and enjoying our 10 days off.
I have to go in tomorrow for blood work, and another possible transfusion (11). But that's okay, it makes me feel way better and we're heading over to the Capilano Suspension Bridge to hike around tomorrow afternoon. So, we're planning on two to three hours in the clinic in the morning, Mom's going to register Addy in preschool and ballet down here for 6 months, then over to North Vancouver to investigate the Suspension Bridge/Tree Houses.
We're all looking forward to Nana and Papa coming down on the 18th with Addy. I'm going to teach them how to play Rock Band and see if we can rock out some "Eye of the Tiger" it's my favorite! And mom's really missing Addy, so it'll be nice to have her back as well.
We're "hopefully" back in hospital on the 19th for 3-5 days.. of NO SLEEP! However, we'll know more tomorrow as it's count dependent.
Mom's "puttin the hammer down" on my diet.. she says the craziness can start again when I'm back on the steroids in a couple months. Until then we're BACK ON TRACK! So tonight was chicken, beets, peppers and dip, and she LET me have my favorite mashed potatoes and gravy too. Oatmeal for breakfast, fruit for snacks, healthy lunch, etc. It does make me feel better, I know it's better for me, and two months will be here before we know it. And the CRAZINESS will begin again!
Thanks to the Campbell's for coming down yet AGAIN! Mom had a good time with Kenzie Sue and a workout always makes her feel better. (although it was 'interesting' downtown Vancouver)
Thanks to everyone in Kelowna who's donating blood for 'My' Siren's Campaign! Terry's doing a great job of recruiting all the non police and fire people from the city and the more blood we can get the better. Like I said, tomorrow will be my 11th transfusion, and without blood I wouldn't be here! So, please everyone, if you're able, give blood. Thanks!!
G'night everyone. I hope this finds you well.. and we hope the rain to stay away until Wednesday when we're in hospital!
Sorry for the delay in the update.. we've been busy catching up on sleep, playing rock band, getting ready for school (school work already), hanging out and enjoying our 10 days off.
I have to go in tomorrow for blood work, and another possible transfusion (11). But that's okay, it makes me feel way better and we're heading over to the Capilano Suspension Bridge to hike around tomorrow afternoon. So, we're planning on two to three hours in the clinic in the morning, Mom's going to register Addy in preschool and ballet down here for 6 months, then over to North Vancouver to investigate the Suspension Bridge/Tree Houses.
We're all looking forward to Nana and Papa coming down on the 18th with Addy. I'm going to teach them how to play Rock Band and see if we can rock out some "Eye of the Tiger" it's my favorite! And mom's really missing Addy, so it'll be nice to have her back as well.
We're "hopefully" back in hospital on the 19th for 3-5 days.. of NO SLEEP! However, we'll know more tomorrow as it's count dependent.
Mom's "puttin the hammer down" on my diet.. she says the craziness can start again when I'm back on the steroids in a couple months. Until then we're BACK ON TRACK! So tonight was chicken, beets, peppers and dip, and she LET me have my favorite mashed potatoes and gravy too. Oatmeal for breakfast, fruit for snacks, healthy lunch, etc. It does make me feel better, I know it's better for me, and two months will be here before we know it. And the CRAZINESS will begin again!
Thanks to the Campbell's for coming down yet AGAIN! Mom had a good time with Kenzie Sue and a workout always makes her feel better. (although it was 'interesting' downtown Vancouver)
Thanks to everyone in Kelowna who's donating blood for 'My' Siren's Campaign! Terry's doing a great job of recruiting all the non police and fire people from the city and the more blood we can get the better. Like I said, tomorrow will be my 11th transfusion, and without blood I wouldn't be here! So, please everyone, if you're able, give blood. Thanks!!
G'night everyone. I hope this finds you well.. and we hope the rain to stay away until Wednesday when we're in hospital!
Friday, August 7, 2009
Friday August 7th
Hello hello from room 2, floor 2B at Children's hospital!
Well, it was a tough couple days.. really tough but we made it through and today is a new and better day for everyone.
So we started in clinic on Wednesday with 6 hours of hydration and a spinal. When they put me out this time is was WAY better! No dizziness when I woke up, great! Then they started the new Chemo. A GIGANTIC bag of bright yellow liquid, it was crazy and I don't think mom was very happy with the amount of poison my body was getting.. but it is was it is. So then the first night, they had to test the PH level in my "urine" (fancy word for PEE) and they tested it every two hours all night and then I got super sick.. it was a sleepless and terrible night for me and the mama!
Yesterday afternoon Dad showed up and mom went home to grab some rest. Dad and I watched TV, played Guitar Hero, I still wasn't feeling great.. so I went to sleep early. However, they continued to have to test my urine every two hours so Dad had a sleepless night. It's nice to share the misery around the family :) However I still haven't got sick with Dad around.. Mom's still my "go to" for that - lucky mom! Ha ha!
Today, MUCH BETTER!!! The medicine is almost out of my system and we're hopefully going home tomorrow! I have energy, no nausea, and mom, dad#2 and I are just heading out on the deck for a BBQ, and some fresh air!
Hope all is well with everyone and Thanks to Nana and Papa for watching Addy.. it would've been tough to do this with a little sister running around!
Thank you to Ava and family for sending down the photos of our great day together and the gifts for my family. I have the photo of Ava and me reaching hands beside my hospital bed in a frame.
Thanks for reading! Wednesday was terrible and today is 110% better!
PS - Dad#2 caught a 45 lb sturgeon at the World Police and Fire Games! Way to go dad #2!
Well, it was a tough couple days.. really tough but we made it through and today is a new and better day for everyone.
So we started in clinic on Wednesday with 6 hours of hydration and a spinal. When they put me out this time is was WAY better! No dizziness when I woke up, great! Then they started the new Chemo. A GIGANTIC bag of bright yellow liquid, it was crazy and I don't think mom was very happy with the amount of poison my body was getting.. but it is was it is. So then the first night, they had to test the PH level in my "urine" (fancy word for PEE) and they tested it every two hours all night and then I got super sick.. it was a sleepless and terrible night for me and the mama!
Yesterday afternoon Dad showed up and mom went home to grab some rest. Dad and I watched TV, played Guitar Hero, I still wasn't feeling great.. so I went to sleep early. However, they continued to have to test my urine every two hours so Dad had a sleepless night. It's nice to share the misery around the family :) However I still haven't got sick with Dad around.. Mom's still my "go to" for that - lucky mom! Ha ha!
Today, MUCH BETTER!!! The medicine is almost out of my system and we're hopefully going home tomorrow! I have energy, no nausea, and mom, dad#2 and I are just heading out on the deck for a BBQ, and some fresh air!
Hope all is well with everyone and Thanks to Nana and Papa for watching Addy.. it would've been tough to do this with a little sister running around!
Thank you to Ava and family for sending down the photos of our great day together and the gifts for my family. I have the photo of Ava and me reaching hands beside my hospital bed in a frame.
Thanks for reading! Wednesday was terrible and today is 110% better!
PS - Dad#2 caught a 45 lb sturgeon at the World Police and Fire Games! Way to go dad #2!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
August 4th
Hello everyone.. hope you all enjoyed the long weekend.
We're good to go! Blood is up and I'm going in to hospital tomorrow morning for 5 days. The rest period has officially come to an end.. however it was super fun!
We had visitors, Shannon came down to see mom and we played at the beach, went to the chocolate store, ate A&W, and then she and mom hung out for a great day while I was at Dad's. Shannon took Addy back to Kelowna and I'm not missin' Addy one bit! This is a nice break from my little sister. I spent the day at Granville Island with Dad yesterday while mom was at work and it was a lot of fun. Then today Mrs Merryfield came over! Yes, my kindergarten teacher from Kelowna! She brought her husband Bruce who was super fun! We ate tons of blueberries off the neighbours blueberry bush then we walked over to the park and had a play (Me and Mrs. Merryfield both wiped out- Crazy) Then we came back and ate peas out of our garden. It was really a great morning. Now mom and I are reading the books they brought down - Thank you Merryfield's and enjoy your cruise - Happy 40th Wedding Anniversary!!
Just waiting for Dad #2 to arrive and head out to watch some of the Police and Fire Games, he's in it tomorrow and seems excited to catch a Sturgeon! Yes, Sturgeon fishing is the sport he's doing (he would've played hockey but he blew his knee last season.. he keeps telling everyone that :) )
I'll be in touch when in hospital, and keep your fingers crossed that there are NO REACTIONS this time!
Thanks to everyone for reading we're off to enjoy our last day of freedom for five days!
We're good to go! Blood is up and I'm going in to hospital tomorrow morning for 5 days. The rest period has officially come to an end.. however it was super fun!
We had visitors, Shannon came down to see mom and we played at the beach, went to the chocolate store, ate A&W, and then she and mom hung out for a great day while I was at Dad's. Shannon took Addy back to Kelowna and I'm not missin' Addy one bit! This is a nice break from my little sister. I spent the day at Granville Island with Dad yesterday while mom was at work and it was a lot of fun. Then today Mrs Merryfield came over! Yes, my kindergarten teacher from Kelowna! She brought her husband Bruce who was super fun! We ate tons of blueberries off the neighbours blueberry bush then we walked over to the park and had a play (Me and Mrs. Merryfield both wiped out- Crazy) Then we came back and ate peas out of our garden. It was really a great morning. Now mom and I are reading the books they brought down - Thank you Merryfield's and enjoy your cruise - Happy 40th Wedding Anniversary!!
Just waiting for Dad #2 to arrive and head out to watch some of the Police and Fire Games, he's in it tomorrow and seems excited to catch a Sturgeon! Yes, Sturgeon fishing is the sport he's doing (he would've played hockey but he blew his knee last season.. he keeps telling everyone that :) )
I'll be in touch when in hospital, and keep your fingers crossed that there are NO REACTIONS this time!
Thanks to everyone for reading we're off to enjoy our last day of freedom for five days!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
July 30th - Finally we're a go!
And we are a go for next week! Counts are going up and we'd probably be good to go for Tuesday, however the hospital will probably be crazy over the long weekend, so we're going in on Wednesday!
Wish me luck as I've never had this much of this medication before. It's almost a 1000mg's more then I've had.. so we have no idea how my body will react this time. Hopefully I won't be in the less then 5% column this time around. So the schedule works 5 days in and 10 days out for the next 3 months! However it's "count dependent" so my counts have to be good enough each time...
We enjoyed the amazing weather down here again today with another fantastic visit from The Campbell's. Thank you for coming down!! Great day together!
Thank you to Uncle Doug for cleaning the pool. Dad #2 can't wait to jump in it after driving home at 4am and working all day in the heat tomorrow.. and then eating Auntie Nicole's muffins all evening!
Also, Thanks to the Schamerhorn's for STILL feeding my fish!
Hope you all have a great long weekend.. Addy's flying home Sunday to meet up with Nana and Papa for a couple weeks.. I'm looking forward to sometime alone down here with everyone. Mom, Dad #2 and I are going to the Capilano Suspension Bridge, can't wait.
Oh and I might've heard a rumour that Jodie's sending down some of her famous power bars for us to eat while we're in hospital.. :) Thanks Jodie!
Talk soon!
Wish me luck as I've never had this much of this medication before. It's almost a 1000mg's more then I've had.. so we have no idea how my body will react this time. Hopefully I won't be in the less then 5% column this time around. So the schedule works 5 days in and 10 days out for the next 3 months! However it's "count dependent" so my counts have to be good enough each time...
We enjoyed the amazing weather down here again today with another fantastic visit from The Campbell's. Thank you for coming down!! Great day together!
Thank you to Uncle Doug for cleaning the pool. Dad #2 can't wait to jump in it after driving home at 4am and working all day in the heat tomorrow.. and then eating Auntie Nicole's muffins all evening!
Also, Thanks to the Schamerhorn's for STILL feeding my fish!
Hope you all have a great long weekend.. Addy's flying home Sunday to meet up with Nana and Papa for a couple weeks.. I'm looking forward to sometime alone down here with everyone. Mom, Dad #2 and I are going to the Capilano Suspension Bridge, can't wait.
Oh and I might've heard a rumour that Jodie's sending down some of her famous power bars for us to eat while we're in hospital.. :) Thanks Jodie!
Talk soon!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
July 28th
Just a quick update... my ANC is still too low! Lower then last week even.. behind again. Dr's aren't worried, they say this 63 day cycle usually takes about 3 months to get through..
So we're going to try again Tuesday! Geesh.. however it's a little hot to be in hospital and we're loving being outside, exploring and enjoying life as I feel good otherwise. So, we are hoping for rain and high counts Tuesday! :) That sounds like a good week to be in hospital.. oh and we're also hoping the ward is slow so we get a good room and mom gets a 'real' bed!
Addy's going to Nana and Papa's on Monday, taking her first airplane ride home to Kelowna on Sunday with Shannon. Thanks Shannon and thanks Nana and Papa for taking my crazy little sister!
Nothing else really to report... still on a bit of high from Ava's visit (blush)
Hope you're all enjoying the weather and we'll hopefully report from hospital next week.
So we're going to try again Tuesday! Geesh.. however it's a little hot to be in hospital and we're loving being outside, exploring and enjoying life as I feel good otherwise. So, we are hoping for rain and high counts Tuesday! :) That sounds like a good week to be in hospital.. oh and we're also hoping the ward is slow so we get a good room and mom gets a 'real' bed!
Addy's going to Nana and Papa's on Monday, taking her first airplane ride home to Kelowna on Sunday with Shannon. Thanks Shannon and thanks Nana and Papa for taking my crazy little sister!
Nothing else really to report... still on a bit of high from Ava's visit (blush)
Hope you're all enjoying the weather and we'll hopefully report from hospital next week.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Saturday July 25th
Wow what a great day!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We started out this morning with some school work. Mom's decided that this is a part of our routine now 3 days per week.. it went okay. I practiced my letters and numbers and Addy worked on her shapes and matching.
Then we headed to the beach... on the way we stopped and grabbed a couple pizza's as we were meeting Ava and her family there!!! For those of you who don't know who Ava is... well she's a very special girl that I've been friends with since preschool and she's beautiful. She and her family met us down at the beach for 5+ hours of complete fun!!! We walked out on the beach as far as we could, we found crabs, played ball, chased each other around the in the sand for hours. We had pizza, Okanagan raspberries, Okanagan cherries, oranges, popcorn, apricots.. you name it! Thank you to her Mom and Dad, Sharon and Keith, and her two sisters Hannah, and Maddy for bringing Ava down to Vancouver it was the greatest day!
Then we got home and mom scrubbed us down from head to toe, ate a quick supper, read books and crawled into bed! So fun!! Thank you!
So, Monday is blood day.. hopefully it's a go for Tuesday morning! Keep your fingers crossed.
We started out this morning with some school work. Mom's decided that this is a part of our routine now 3 days per week.. it went okay. I practiced my letters and numbers and Addy worked on her shapes and matching.
Then we headed to the beach... on the way we stopped and grabbed a couple pizza's as we were meeting Ava and her family there!!! For those of you who don't know who Ava is... well she's a very special girl that I've been friends with since preschool and she's beautiful. She and her family met us down at the beach for 5+ hours of complete fun!!! We walked out on the beach as far as we could, we found crabs, played ball, chased each other around the in the sand for hours. We had pizza, Okanagan raspberries, Okanagan cherries, oranges, popcorn, apricots.. you name it! Thank you to her Mom and Dad, Sharon and Keith, and her two sisters Hannah, and Maddy for bringing Ava down to Vancouver it was the greatest day!
Then we got home and mom scrubbed us down from head to toe, ate a quick supper, read books and crawled into bed! So fun!! Thank you!
So, Monday is blood day.. hopefully it's a go for Tuesday morning! Keep your fingers crossed.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
It's a no go! July 22nd
Hello everyone!
So, Tuesday was a no go as my counts were too low, so... we tried again today.. and still too low!
I honestly don't mind a bit! Don't tell mom though as she wants to get things started.. however I think she's might just be enjoying the time off we're having together! Yesterday we put me and Ads in a chariot and road bikes all the way around the Sea Wall. It was very cool. We stopped for lunch, snacks, play.. what a great place and a fun ride (for me and Ads anyway!)
Then today after I had my blood tested we stopped by mom's work for a visit and then we met up with Mom's friend Annette from the Island and her son Morgan. We had a great play at the park and visit with them.
Then we hit the movie and slurpee store, had a tub and now we're watching movies, eating chips and snuggling! Yeh, I'm pretty sure mom's okay with not being in hospital too! :)
We'll try again Monday! Wish us luck that my ANC climbs quick!
Hope this finds you all well and enjoying the beautiful summer heat. We're all good here!
So, Tuesday was a no go as my counts were too low, so... we tried again today.. and still too low!
I honestly don't mind a bit! Don't tell mom though as she wants to get things started.. however I think she's might just be enjoying the time off we're having together! Yesterday we put me and Ads in a chariot and road bikes all the way around the Sea Wall. It was very cool. We stopped for lunch, snacks, play.. what a great place and a fun ride (for me and Ads anyway!)
Then today after I had my blood tested we stopped by mom's work for a visit and then we met up with Mom's friend Annette from the Island and her son Morgan. We had a great play at the park and visit with them.
Then we hit the movie and slurpee store, had a tub and now we're watching movies, eating chips and snuggling! Yeh, I'm pretty sure mom's okay with not being in hospital too! :)
We'll try again Monday! Wish us luck that my ANC climbs quick!
Hope this finds you all well and enjoying the beautiful summer heat. We're all good here!
Friday, July 17, 2009
The first six are done!
Well we did it! Actually I did it! It was not fun, nor would I wish it on my worst enemy, but it's done. We're done for weeks.. weeks and weeks! We celebrated today by hitting some "gardens" and hunted for frogs, turtles and fish. It was awesome! So awesome!! It was a beautiful day to be outside and we had a blast!
I am suppose to start the next phase on Tuesday however my white blood cell count is really really low.. so we're going to try for Thursday. Couple days off never hurt anyone! :) This next phase is kind of gross too. We're in hospital 3 - 5 days out of every two weeks, and I'm suppose to get sores in my mouth, nausea, etc. Ugh! however that's not for another 6 days!! And there is way too much fun to be had until then!
Tomorrow we're celebrating Addison's 3rd birthday. She has 3 or 4 girlfriends coming over and I have a buddy coming too. Should be another busy day around here and lots of fun!
We took mom's friend Jen to the airport this afternoon - Thanks again for coming J and all your help. You made mom's week fly by! Mom read more of that great book you brought for me "Ivan and the Magic Rainbow"... it's very cool! And the author signed it - wow! Thank you for everything for me, Addy and mom!
I hope this finds you well.. I won't have much to report until Thursday. Pray for high counts so we can get this next ball rolling and over with fast!... well 63+ days fast!..
I am suppose to start the next phase on Tuesday however my white blood cell count is really really low.. so we're going to try for Thursday. Couple days off never hurt anyone! :) This next phase is kind of gross too. We're in hospital 3 - 5 days out of every two weeks, and I'm suppose to get sores in my mouth, nausea, etc. Ugh! however that's not for another 6 days!! And there is way too much fun to be had until then!
Tomorrow we're celebrating Addison's 3rd birthday. She has 3 or 4 girlfriends coming over and I have a buddy coming too. Should be another busy day around here and lots of fun!
We took mom's friend Jen to the airport this afternoon - Thanks again for coming J and all your help. You made mom's week fly by! Mom read more of that great book you brought for me "Ivan and the Magic Rainbow"... it's very cool! And the author signed it - wow! Thank you for everything for me, Addy and mom!
I hope this finds you well.. I won't have much to report until Thursday. Pray for high counts so we can get this next ball rolling and over with fast!... well 63+ days fast!..
Monday, July 13, 2009
Monday July 13th
And it's getting better...
Today was poke #4 and it's getting better! It's still painful and no fun, but it's getting easier for all of us. We have a bit of a system now between mom, dad and me and it seems to be working! My blood is still holding.. platelets are high, and HGB is pretty good too. Dr's are happy, I'm unique when it comes to my blood too!
I had a good day of playing, however sick this afternoon... in mom's car again. Sorry mom! I think this will be the leukemia vehicle and in 3.5 years when we're done this she'll be trading it in! It's already seen it's share of "me" she says. :)
Tomorrow me, mom and Ads are heading out for a picnic and some dodge ball. Even if it's raining we're good to go! Then Jen arrives tomorrow night to give mom an extra set of hands this week.. I bet I hear mommy and her up giggling and telling stories. Girls!!!
Wednesday is poke #5, and we're almost 1/3 the way done them!
This afternoon Mom gave me a super cool book that Bexx's made for me! Thanks Bexx! Love the poem and all the cool "cards" that go along with it. wink wink! You are very clever! Mom said she had a great time visiting with you and Rae.. just like old times in the yellow house!
Hope everyone is doing well. As well here, just a little woozy but nothing we can't handle!
Today was poke #4 and it's getting better! It's still painful and no fun, but it's getting easier for all of us. We have a bit of a system now between mom, dad and me and it seems to be working! My blood is still holding.. platelets are high, and HGB is pretty good too. Dr's are happy, I'm unique when it comes to my blood too!
I had a good day of playing, however sick this afternoon... in mom's car again. Sorry mom! I think this will be the leukemia vehicle and in 3.5 years when we're done this she'll be trading it in! It's already seen it's share of "me" she says. :)
Tomorrow me, mom and Ads are heading out for a picnic and some dodge ball. Even if it's raining we're good to go! Then Jen arrives tomorrow night to give mom an extra set of hands this week.. I bet I hear mommy and her up giggling and telling stories. Girls!!!
Wednesday is poke #5, and we're almost 1/3 the way done them!
This afternoon Mom gave me a super cool book that Bexx's made for me! Thanks Bexx! Love the poem and all the cool "cards" that go along with it. wink wink! You are very clever! Mom said she had a great time visiting with you and Rae.. just like old times in the yellow house!
Hope everyone is doing well. As well here, just a little woozy but nothing we can't handle!
Friday, July 10, 2009
Friday July 10th
And one week of the gross'ness is done!
The first set of three needles ended today! What a day! I don't really care about it until we get into the actual clinic room and then it gets scary, super scary... but it was quick today, my nurse was good. Next week they're going to try it with me lying down and hopefully I can't tense my leg up so much. Worth a try. The band aid was pretty cool... an awesome Ice Age 3 one.. Very cool!
We celebrated after with the toy store, candy store, and shoe store! And the shoes we actually not just for mom. I got a pair of T-Rex Crocks, Addy got a pair of Frog ones and mom got some rain boots.. preparing for the winter months ahead!
Then we came home made a great dinner and played, played played.
Over all it wasn't too bad of a day. We're very ready for a couple days off and celebrating dad#2's birthday tomorrow with a big dinner, cake, ball tag etc. :)
Hope all is well and you enjoy your weekend. We hope to see mom's friend Bexx tomorrow, then mom's friend Jen coming down to help out on Wednesday.. it'll be a good week. Lots of support!
The first set of three needles ended today! What a day! I don't really care about it until we get into the actual clinic room and then it gets scary, super scary... but it was quick today, my nurse was good. Next week they're going to try it with me lying down and hopefully I can't tense my leg up so much. Worth a try. The band aid was pretty cool... an awesome Ice Age 3 one.. Very cool!
We celebrated after with the toy store, candy store, and shoe store! And the shoes we actually not just for mom. I got a pair of T-Rex Crocks, Addy got a pair of Frog ones and mom got some rain boots.. preparing for the winter months ahead!
Then we came home made a great dinner and played, played played.
Over all it wasn't too bad of a day. We're very ready for a couple days off and celebrating dad#2's birthday tomorrow with a big dinner, cake, ball tag etc. :)
Hope all is well and you enjoy your weekend. We hope to see mom's friend Bexx tomorrow, then mom's friend Jen coming down to help out on Wednesday.. it'll be a good week. Lots of support!
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Wednesday July 8th
Hello hello! Sorry for the delay people.
It's been a tough week.. gross to put it nicely. Monday morning we ended up having to go to clinic and I had to get my regular chemo, give blood and then a needle in my leg. I was very scared and didn't like it at all. It hurt!
The medicine makes me feel yucky this week, and my counts and energy is low. They considered another transfusion on Monday, but my blood was holding alright. I was a little sick in the afternoon, but all's well. Until.. Wednesday..
Are you kidding me? Again? Yup, another needle in my leg today. Makes me feel terrible. However, there was a highlight; my friend Dominic stopped in to see me on his way home from camping. We got to play at the park and it was fun! Thanks Dominic and his mom!!!!! I miss you.
Then home to relax as I wasn't feeling well. Had an early tub, watched a movie, tried a few different things for supper but wasn't very successful. Ugh!
Heading to Ronald McDonald House in the morning to play with Curtis and I can't wait to feel better.
One more again on Friday and then the same for next week... we also were told today that going home in October is not going to happen and we'll be in Vancouver until January 2010.
Lots to take in for everyone today.. tough week.
Thanks for reading and thanks again to Dominic for stopping by for play.
It's been a tough week.. gross to put it nicely. Monday morning we ended up having to go to clinic and I had to get my regular chemo, give blood and then a needle in my leg. I was very scared and didn't like it at all. It hurt!
The medicine makes me feel yucky this week, and my counts and energy is low. They considered another transfusion on Monday, but my blood was holding alright. I was a little sick in the afternoon, but all's well. Until.. Wednesday..
Are you kidding me? Again? Yup, another needle in my leg today. Makes me feel terrible. However, there was a highlight; my friend Dominic stopped in to see me on his way home from camping. We got to play at the park and it was fun! Thanks Dominic and his mom!!!!! I miss you.
Then home to relax as I wasn't feeling well. Had an early tub, watched a movie, tried a few different things for supper but wasn't very successful. Ugh!
Heading to Ronald McDonald House in the morning to play with Curtis and I can't wait to feel better.
One more again on Friday and then the same for next week... we also were told today that going home in October is not going to happen and we'll be in Vancouver until January 2010.
Lots to take in for everyone today.. tough week.
Thanks for reading and thanks again to Dominic for stopping by for play.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Friday July 3rd
Another good one on the books!
Today was a great day! I had chemo in the morning and my blood was holding well so I didn't need a transfusion today! Mom, Addy and I hit the grocery store quickly and then we met up with my buddy Logan from school in Kelowna! We met him and his dad at a park near our house and we ran, played, jumped, climbed, flew kites, had a picnic, and enjoyed the amazing afternoon together! Thank you so much for coming Logan, you made my day!!!!! Truly!
We're "off" until Monday when the tough stuff begins! My first serious of inter muscular injections. Mom's been researching and "discussing" her findings with all the right people and making sure it's only one poke instead of two, and I think she's won this battle, Thanks mom!!
So the next two weeks are going to be tough tough tough.. but we'll do it.. because we have to, and that's the end of it. I also get another chemo Monday and maybe blood.. long long day.
Thanks again to Logan and his dad for making the last minute road trip. Getting up at 4am can't be easy to do with a five year old! Thank you for my cool shirt, my new kite, and my pictures of us together. I've put the picture up in my room and it makes me laugh when I see how silly we are. Thank you also to Heidi for helping mom's caffeine addiction.. I think people are realizing she's loving coffee and chocolate these days!
Thanks to "Domino" for my package you left for me at children's'.. I hope to see you on July 9th!
Thanks for reading!
Today was a great day! I had chemo in the morning and my blood was holding well so I didn't need a transfusion today! Mom, Addy and I hit the grocery store quickly and then we met up with my buddy Logan from school in Kelowna! We met him and his dad at a park near our house and we ran, played, jumped, climbed, flew kites, had a picnic, and enjoyed the amazing afternoon together! Thank you so much for coming Logan, you made my day!!!!! Truly!
We're "off" until Monday when the tough stuff begins! My first serious of inter muscular injections. Mom's been researching and "discussing" her findings with all the right people and making sure it's only one poke instead of two, and I think she's won this battle, Thanks mom!!
So the next two weeks are going to be tough tough tough.. but we'll do it.. because we have to, and that's the end of it. I also get another chemo Monday and maybe blood.. long long day.
Thanks again to Logan and his dad for making the last minute road trip. Getting up at 4am can't be easy to do with a five year old! Thank you for my cool shirt, my new kite, and my pictures of us together. I've put the picture up in my room and it makes me laugh when I see how silly we are. Thank you also to Heidi for helping mom's caffeine addiction.. I think people are realizing she's loving coffee and chocolate these days!
Thanks to "Domino" for my package you left for me at children's'.. I hope to see you on July 9th!
Thanks for reading!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Juen 30th - Tuesday
Happy almost Canada Day!!!
It's been a great couple days people!! Feeling pretty good and chemo has been going well, this week is an easy week.. still 4 days but it's quick quick quick. I may need blood on Friday, however we're hoping my body does well and builds everything on it's own. (Hey Nana, remind my mom keeps up on my anti-nausea medication.. even in the middle of the night.. remember what happened last time) :)
We didn't have to be in clinic until 1130 today so we had a lazy morning with cartoons, snuggles and hanging out in our jammiez. Then mom decided today should be water fight day.. so we filled up 80 water balloons and put them in a bag and headed off to clinic. It was super fast today and then we hit the park and had a crazy water fight, played in the playground, and enjoyed the sunshine!
Then we hit the video store, stocked up and came home for a tub and movie extravaganza! Great great great day! Back to the hospital tomorrow and then off to meet Mom's friends for Canada day fun and hopefully see Jodie in the afternoon too.
Thanks to Ava! I miss you Ava, and I loved unwrapping my present! That was the best and the jokes along the way cracked me up. I have your card beside my bed and I'm looking forward to getting home so we can play play play!
Thanks to Linda W for helping fulfill my mom's caffeine addiction! She will have a latte or two I'm sure... tomorrow!
Thanks again to Oranj for doing classes for me! Hey Sheila, I prefer it when it's the Abs and *ss class.. just because mommy lets me say the name .. hee hee!
Thanks to everyone for reading and keeping up to my progress and how my mom and sister are doing too. We're all kickin' leukemia's butt!
Until next time! I hope everyone enjoys Canada Day tomorrow.
It's been a great couple days people!! Feeling pretty good and chemo has been going well, this week is an easy week.. still 4 days but it's quick quick quick. I may need blood on Friday, however we're hoping my body does well and builds everything on it's own. (Hey Nana, remind my mom keeps up on my anti-nausea medication.. even in the middle of the night.. remember what happened last time) :)
We didn't have to be in clinic until 1130 today so we had a lazy morning with cartoons, snuggles and hanging out in our jammiez. Then mom decided today should be water fight day.. so we filled up 80 water balloons and put them in a bag and headed off to clinic. It was super fast today and then we hit the park and had a crazy water fight, played in the playground, and enjoyed the sunshine!
Then we hit the video store, stocked up and came home for a tub and movie extravaganza! Great great great day! Back to the hospital tomorrow and then off to meet Mom's friends for Canada day fun and hopefully see Jodie in the afternoon too.
Thanks to Ava! I miss you Ava, and I loved unwrapping my present! That was the best and the jokes along the way cracked me up. I have your card beside my bed and I'm looking forward to getting home so we can play play play!
Thanks to Linda W for helping fulfill my mom's caffeine addiction! She will have a latte or two I'm sure... tomorrow!
Thanks again to Oranj for doing classes for me! Hey Sheila, I prefer it when it's the Abs and *ss class.. just because mommy lets me say the name .. hee hee!
Thanks to everyone for reading and keeping up to my progress and how my mom and sister are doing too. We're all kickin' leukemia's butt!
Until next time! I hope everyone enjoys Canada Day tomorrow.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Friday Family Fun Day
What a day... well we've had a week of hard news and today made up for all the tears and fears of the upcoming weeks ahead.
Ty and Carson and Renee surprised me! Wow and what a day we had. I had chemotherapy this morning and then off to the beach we went. We had the greatest time ever! We could walk for miles, hunting for crabs and jelly fish and even prawns! We had our buckets filled!
We had super soakers and water guns but too busy exploring the world below and what it leaves behind for us when the tide goes out! So Cool! Then they came back to our place and we had sushi for supper and played Wii for a couple hours! We were being boys boys boys!
Mom was so happy to see Renee and was really sad to see her go.. we have a tough couple months ahead of us.. most of it I don't even know what's coming..
Thanks to everyone! Jim and Marg for the box of goodies, JoJo for the perfect timing phone call the other night, Deb for cleaning up our flooded basement in Kelowna (because we can always handle one more thing on our plate), the girls that text mom all the time, and of course to our Renee! Thank you so much for the day of fun! We love you for it and it was exactly what we needed.
Ty and Carson and Renee surprised me! Wow and what a day we had. I had chemotherapy this morning and then off to the beach we went. We had the greatest time ever! We could walk for miles, hunting for crabs and jelly fish and even prawns! We had our buckets filled!
We had super soakers and water guns but too busy exploring the world below and what it leaves behind for us when the tide goes out! So Cool! Then they came back to our place and we had sushi for supper and played Wii for a couple hours! We were being boys boys boys!
Mom was so happy to see Renee and was really sad to see her go.. we have a tough couple months ahead of us.. most of it I don't even know what's coming..
Thanks to everyone! Jim and Marg for the box of goodies, JoJo for the perfect timing phone call the other night, Deb for cleaning up our flooded basement in Kelowna (because we can always handle one more thing on our plate), the girls that text mom all the time, and of course to our Renee! Thank you so much for the day of fun! We love you for it and it was exactly what we needed.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Tuesday June 23rd`
Another day under our belts! Long day of chemo today.. 8am till 4pm! However, it all went fine and it's another long gross day done. We're back at it tomorrow, Thursday and Friday and the same schedule for next week.. And when we thought we'd have some down time after this round, it appears it's going to get tougher instead of easier. Trying not to look to far ahea
d, and we're half way done the hardest part, however the worst is yet to come.
So, mixed emotions today for sure... nothing really new to report. We're all tired and heading for a big night sleep tonight. School in the morning, my last day is Thursday.
Hope this finds you all well. Thank you to The Hymers for the great bag of goodies they dropped off for us!

So, mixed emotions today for sure... nothing really new to report. We're all tired and heading for a big night sleep tonight. School in the morning, my last day is Thursday.
Hope this finds you all well. Thank you to The Hymers for the great bag of goodies they dropped off for us!
Saturday, June 20, 2009
June 20th 2009
Well, we are still out... and it's Incredible!
Yesterday started out with Mom and Dad#2 sleeping in and almost forgetting to take me to school but phew I just made it on time. It was a good thing because we had a scavenger hunt. My friend Miguel and I helped each other out and found all the loot. After school we went to a park, had some snacks and tired ourselves out there.
We went to the store to get stuff for dinner and I learned that if you leave the air conditioning on in the car without the car running the battery doesn't last long. OOPS! It was an extended stay at the store till dad#2 got us back on the road.
Deb and Tom came over for a visit, and we have a bionicle build off! Deb thinks she won by default, however mom and I won fair and square. Thanks to the Schamerhorns for sending more bionicles down!! Then Sheila showed up so we all had dinner together, and off to bed. I had kind of a rough night. Sometimes my body feels funny in the night and I can't settle in... So, at 3 am I slept with mom and dad #2 went to my bed. Needless to say we did not have a solid sleep last night.
Then today.. oh are we INCREDIBLE! So very INCREDIBLE! We got up this morning and took mom to meet Sheila and Deb to have a quick visit, then we picked up some groceries and relaxed at home until our big race! The "Chips not Dead Yet" run! It was awesome! Mom, Dad #2 and I dressed up as The Incredibles (I was Dash, Mom was Elasta-girl, and Dad#2 was Mr. Incredible) and Addy was a Princess (with an Incredible's mask on) and we raced half a mile straight up hill. Addy was in her jogging stroller, and Deb and Tom were with us and boy did we run! Carly and Hayley, some friends from LuLu in Kelowna, were waiting for us at the top... we were INCREDIBLE. Even the announcer guy at the finish line yelled out what an Incredible Family we were! It was super fun!!! Then we came home and made some supper, had a bath and crawled into bed. Phew, what a day! A great day! ** Deb even had a shirt on with a picture of me on it and it said "My hero" Very cool!!! Thanks Deb!
Happy Father's day to all the dad's out there tomorrow!
Thanks - Deb and Tom for everything this weekend for my whole family, Jim and Marg for the amazing bag you sent down for me and Addy, Carly and Hayley, Uncle Jim and Auntie Denise for the card, Sassy Sheila, Schamerhorns, and everyone else for reading and following my progress!
Signing off,
Aiden "Dash" Penner
Yesterday started out with Mom and Dad#2 sleeping in and almost forgetting to take me to school but phew I just made it on time. It was a good thing because we had a scavenger hunt. My friend Miguel and I helped each other out and found all the loot. After school we went to a park, had some snacks and tired ourselves out there.
We went to the store to get stuff for dinner and I learned that if you leave the air conditioning on in the car without the car running the battery doesn't last long. OOPS! It was an extended stay at the store till dad#2 got us back on the road.
Deb and Tom came over for a visit, and we have a bionicle build off! Deb thinks she won by default, however mom and I won fair and square. Thanks to the Schamerhorns for sending more bionicles down!! Then Sheila showed up so we all had dinner together, and off to bed. I had kind of a rough night. Sometimes my body feels funny in the night and I can't settle in... So, at 3 am I slept with mom and dad #2 went to my bed. Needless to say we did not have a solid sleep last night.
Then today.. oh are we INCREDIBLE! So very INCREDIBLE! We got up this morning and took mom to meet Sheila and Deb to have a quick visit, then we picked up some groceries and relaxed at home until our big race! The "Chips not Dead Yet" run! It was awesome! Mom, Dad #2 and I dressed up as The Incredibles (I was Dash, Mom was Elasta-girl, and Dad#2 was Mr. Incredible) and Addy was a Princess (with an Incredible's mask on) and we raced half a mile straight up hill. Addy was in her jogging stroller, and Deb and Tom were with us and boy did we run! Carly and Hayley, some friends from LuLu in Kelowna, were waiting for us at the top... we were INCREDIBLE. Even the announcer guy at the finish line yelled out what an Incredible Family we were! It was super fun!!! Then we came home and made some supper, had a bath and crawled into bed. Phew, what a day! A great day! ** Deb even had a shirt on with a picture of me on it and it said "My hero" Very cool!!! Thanks Deb!
Happy Father's day to all the dad's out there tomorrow!
Thanks - Deb and Tom for everything this weekend for my whole family, Jim and Marg for the amazing bag you sent down for me and Addy, Carly and Hayley, Uncle Jim and Auntie Denise for the card, Sassy Sheila, Schamerhorns, and everyone else for reading and following my progress!
Signing off,
Aiden "Dash" Penner
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Thursday June 18th
We're out! Mom and I painted our faces with this army green paint, then we dressed in black and put on these funny hats and snuck out of the hospital late last night! When the lights were out Mom wound up a toy we found in the toy room and sent it near the nurses station as a distraction and out we went! Quickly and quietly we broke free!!!
Ha, I wish it was that exciting! However, we are home! Finally! My fever is gone and my pain too, so they let me out. My counts are still super low, however there is no reason for me to be in there, as they're climbing slowly but surely.
So, I'm home and having a quick nap before we run out and grab our costumes for Saturday, then movie night later on. I plan to ask if we can stop for a slurpee as it always makes me feel so much better :) Sheila's here for dinner tomorrow night, and he's making me learn Yoga! Should be ... interesting :) At least she's funny...
No chemo today as my counts are so low, so we are officially one week behind schedule.. However, we're still banking on Hallowe'en to be home! We start this Tuesday (instead of Thursday to try and catch up)
Thank you for everything and following my blog.
Ha, I wish it was that exciting! However, we are home! Finally! My fever is gone and my pain too, so they let me out. My counts are still super low, however there is no reason for me to be in there, as they're climbing slowly but surely.
So, I'm home and having a quick nap before we run out and grab our costumes for Saturday, then movie night later on. I plan to ask if we can stop for a slurpee as it always makes me feel so much better :) Sheila's here for dinner tomorrow night, and he's making me learn Yoga! Should be ... interesting :) At least she's funny...
No chemo today as my counts are so low, so we are officially one week behind schedule.. However, we're still banking on Hallowe'en to be home! We start this Tuesday (instead of Thursday to try and catch up)
Thank you for everything and following my blog.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Tuesday June 16th
And it continues!!
More fevers last night, however my "cultures" (where they try to grow bad stuff in my blood) are all good. So that means they take more of my blood and try and grow different stuff with it. I've just started some new antibiotics and hopefully this will make everything get out of my body!!!
So, dad's doing the night shift again tonight as Dad#2 is down and mom's doing the next two nights as Auntie Dawn is back tomorrow. Hopefully we're out of here after my chemotherapy Thursday night.. but we'll see! Cross your fingers, send out the "secret, " do whatever it takes to get me outta here on Thursday night!
Sheila's coming over to the house for dinner Friday night.. and she's fun to play with so I'd like to be out for that.... (as would mommy!)
I need to be out by Saturday morning at the latest! We're doing the "Chips not Dead yet Run." Me, Mom, Ads, and Dad#2 are all dressing up as The Incredibles! (because we are) and running half a mile straight up hill! Everyone is dressing up as Superhero's in our race, then there is the underwear race, the perfect pooch race, the bridal gown race (mom could do this one too.. but she says no.. dig dig). Deb Taylor and Tom from Kelowna are coming to run it with us, Carly and Hayley from LuLuLemon in Kelowna, as well as Sheila from Oranj! You see, I NEED TO BE BETTER! I have a big day planned Saturday!
Other then that life at Children's Hospital is.. well not so bad. Right now I'm actually playing with my new friend Ed. He's a volunteer here at Children's, he's 25, and knows all the Pokemon games, how to make awesome paper airplanes etc. He's awesome!
Hope this finds you well.. and I want to send a huge holler out to The Kelowna Fire Dept!!! Thank you for everything! Thank you for all you've done for me and my family, you really are amazing! Firemen are hero's! (certain Mounties too of course :) ) Thanks guys!!!!
We're going to watch the police and fire games when they're here.. I'm a little confused as to who I'm suppose to cheer for, I think I'll decide by who has the coolest uniforms.
Mom keeps mentioning this gigantic party we're going to have when we get home to thank everyone.. I think we better warn the entire neighbourhood it's looking like it could get a little CRAZY!
Until next time, signing off from Children's Hospital!
More fevers last night, however my "cultures" (where they try to grow bad stuff in my blood) are all good. So that means they take more of my blood and try and grow different stuff with it. I've just started some new antibiotics and hopefully this will make everything get out of my body!!!
So, dad's doing the night shift again tonight as Dad#2 is down and mom's doing the next two nights as Auntie Dawn is back tomorrow. Hopefully we're out of here after my chemotherapy Thursday night.. but we'll see! Cross your fingers, send out the "secret, " do whatever it takes to get me outta here on Thursday night!
Sheila's coming over to the house for dinner Friday night.. and she's fun to play with so I'd like to be out for that.... (as would mommy!)
I need to be out by Saturday morning at the latest! We're doing the "Chips not Dead yet Run." Me, Mom, Ads, and Dad#2 are all dressing up as The Incredibles! (because we are) and running half a mile straight up hill! Everyone is dressing up as Superhero's in our race, then there is the underwear race, the perfect pooch race, the bridal gown race (mom could do this one too.. but she says no.. dig dig). Deb Taylor and Tom from Kelowna are coming to run it with us, Carly and Hayley from LuLuLemon in Kelowna, as well as Sheila from Oranj! You see, I NEED TO BE BETTER! I have a big day planned Saturday!
Other then that life at Children's Hospital is.. well not so bad. Right now I'm actually playing with my new friend Ed. He's a volunteer here at Children's, he's 25, and knows all the Pokemon games, how to make awesome paper airplanes etc. He's awesome!
Hope this finds you well.. and I want to send a huge holler out to The Kelowna Fire Dept!!! Thank you for everything! Thank you for all you've done for me and my family, you really are amazing! Firemen are hero's! (certain Mounties too of course :) ) Thanks guys!!!!
We're going to watch the police and fire games when they're here.. I'm a little confused as to who I'm suppose to cheer for, I think I'll decide by who has the coolest uniforms.
Mom keeps mentioning this gigantic party we're going to have when we get home to thank everyone.. I think we better warn the entire neighbourhood it's looking like it could get a little CRAZY!
Until next time, signing off from Children's Hospital!
Monday, June 15, 2009
Monday June 15th
Back in hospital!!!!
I woke up 2am Sunday morning with terrible pains in my legs and hips, and when I woke up Sunday morning my feet and hands were hurting. I still had a low grade fever however, went to Ronald McDonald House and started the day. It was an okay day.. a little tired but still fun.
Then 630pm arrived and fever spiked! Mom took my into hospital and the next adventure began. First my VAD sight wasn't quite numb when they accessed me, YEOW!!!! and big crocodile tears... wow!!
Once I was accessed we were good to go, they started my IV and antibiotics, pain medication and Tylenol! We got into a room around 1115pm and off to sleep. I woke up this morning feeling like a million bucks! Dad and Addy arrived and the craziness began. No more pain, fever and nausea up and down but nothing major. Played outside, played in the toyroom, played video games, great day.. then 5pm; fever spiked again! WHAT!!!????
More antibiotics tonight and medicine to make me comfy. Dad and I are ordering pizza as Mom went home to have a solid sleep and hang with Addison... Mommy's bagged! I was hoping to be out tomorrow however now we don't know again. Wow what a ride.
I've been called unique, special, and a mystery... When mom always tells me to make good decisions, do what I think is right, be my own person, be that extra special person in life.... I don't think this is what she meant! :)
Thanks to Sheila for having lunch with mom and Addy.. it was great to get out and have a real life "girlfriend" conversation she said!
G'night everyone... until the next read.
I woke up 2am Sunday morning with terrible pains in my legs and hips, and when I woke up Sunday morning my feet and hands were hurting. I still had a low grade fever however, went to Ronald McDonald House and started the day. It was an okay day.. a little tired but still fun.
Then 630pm arrived and fever spiked! Mom took my into hospital and the next adventure began. First my VAD sight wasn't quite numb when they accessed me, YEOW!!!! and big crocodile tears... wow!!
Once I was accessed we were good to go, they started my IV and antibiotics, pain medication and Tylenol! We got into a room around 1115pm and off to sleep. I woke up this morning feeling like a million bucks! Dad and Addy arrived and the craziness began. No more pain, fever and nausea up and down but nothing major. Played outside, played in the toyroom, played video games, great day.. then 5pm; fever spiked again! WHAT!!!????
More antibiotics tonight and medicine to make me comfy. Dad and I are ordering pizza as Mom went home to have a solid sleep and hang with Addison... Mommy's bagged! I was hoping to be out tomorrow however now we don't know again. Wow what a ride.
I've been called unique, special, and a mystery... When mom always tells me to make good decisions, do what I think is right, be my own person, be that extra special person in life.... I don't think this is what she meant! :)
Thanks to Sheila for having lunch with mom and Addy.. it was great to get out and have a real life "girlfriend" conversation she said!
G'night everyone... until the next read.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Saturday June 13th
Hello everyone,
Another great day! We started out this morning walking to a great park we found 2 blocks from our house. I had a great time there playing at the playground and tag with mom and Addy.
We came home as mom wanted to lay low for the afternoon, so we headed off to the movie store.... however, we never made it. On the way, I spotted an outdoor carnival/baseball tourney etc. There was face painting, balloon makers, a bouncy castle, a crazy fast blow up slide, a balloon jumping thing, etc etc. We pulled over and 3 hours later we finally made it to movie store. My face was painted with the Canucks logo and Addy's a butterfly, I had a squid balloon, Addy a Dora, and we were hot, sweaty, full, happy and loved every minute of the day! (who knew you could have this much fun for $5!)
My temps been good today and my energy level is high (too high for mom sometimes :) ha!)
We're bathed and in our pj's for the night and it's only 4pm! Snuggling watching Scooby and the Nutty professor is on the agenda for the night which sounds perfect!
Dad #2 made it home safe to Kelowna and is back at work then getting the pool going at home tonight.
That's it for my report. I'm off to see Dad tomorrow at Ronald McDonald House and play all day with Curtis. School Monday and then back home with mom.
Hope this finds you all well. Thanks for reading!
Another great day! We started out this morning walking to a great park we found 2 blocks from our house. I had a great time there playing at the playground and tag with mom and Addy.
We came home as mom wanted to lay low for the afternoon, so we headed off to the movie store.... however, we never made it. On the way, I spotted an outdoor carnival/baseball tourney etc. There was face painting, balloon makers, a bouncy castle, a crazy fast blow up slide, a balloon jumping thing, etc etc. We pulled over and 3 hours later we finally made it to movie store. My face was painted with the Canucks logo and Addy's a butterfly, I had a squid balloon, Addy a Dora, and we were hot, sweaty, full, happy and loved every minute of the day! (who knew you could have this much fun for $5!)
My temps been good today and my energy level is high (too high for mom sometimes :) ha!)
We're bathed and in our pj's for the night and it's only 4pm! Snuggling watching Scooby and the Nutty professor is on the agenda for the night which sounds perfect!
Dad #2 made it home safe to Kelowna and is back at work then getting the pool going at home tonight.
That's it for my report. I'm off to see Dad tomorrow at Ronald McDonald House and play all day with Curtis. School Monday and then back home with mom.
Hope this finds you all well. Thanks for reading!
Friday, June 12, 2009
Juen 12th Friday
Once again, the turn around!
What a day!!! Woke up this am with a perfect temp of 36.6.. and all I wanted to do was eat and hit the beach.
Dad #2 made a huge crepe breakfast and mom hung out with a couple cups of coffee and we headed out about 11am. First we went on a frog hunt to the Fraser River, however no luck! So, we headed down to the ocean to move some rocks and collect some little crabs! And we HIT THE JACKPOT! Wow! 100's, 1000's!! It was amazing!
We stayed down for lunch and enjoyed the amazing weather, being a family, and celebrating the new day, today!
We came home and made supper, watched the hockey game and Sid the Kid win the cup!
Now I'm off to bed! Another day under our belts and it was a good one, a great one!!
Thank yous - to Colin, in Cranbrook, for the amazing pictures of the grizzly, Awesome! and my friend Katie from school - thanks for the cards. Dad #2 heading back to Kelowna at 4am tomorrow morning, we will miss you! Drive safe, please remember to grab my school work and hurry back.
What a day!!! Woke up this am with a perfect temp of 36.6.. and all I wanted to do was eat and hit the beach.
Dad #2 made a huge crepe breakfast and mom hung out with a couple cups of coffee and we headed out about 11am. First we went on a frog hunt to the Fraser River, however no luck! So, we headed down to the ocean to move some rocks and collect some little crabs! And we HIT THE JACKPOT! Wow! 100's, 1000's!! It was amazing!
We stayed down for lunch and enjoyed the amazing weather, being a family, and celebrating the new day, today!
We came home and made supper, watched the hockey game and Sid the Kid win the cup!
Now I'm off to bed! Another day under our belts and it was a good one, a great one!!
Thank yous - to Colin, in Cranbrook, for the amazing pictures of the grizzly, Awesome! and my friend Katie from school - thanks for the cards. Dad #2 heading back to Kelowna at 4am tomorrow morning, we will miss you! Drive safe, please remember to grab my school work and hurry back.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Thursday !! June 11th
Are you kidding me!? Another reaction today! Today was suppose to be easy, suppose to be done quick quick quick, I was suppose to be looking for frogs by lunch time!
So we started today heading for clinic for 9am and it was suppose to be a spinal and chemotherapy. They gave me some new anesthetic for my spinal as I hate the dizziness when I wake up. It's the kind they give the teenagers.. because they think I'm so mature :)
So, that all went great and then down hill fast! Nausea, hives, and terrible pains in my belly that made my scream .. loud! More medicine, more blood and nothing showed up! Nothing! Blood good, kidneys good, pancreas good! So, I'm home now and teetering on a fever. 37.0, then 37.7, then 37.5, then 37.9.. up and down up and down.
My mom is wondering who signed up us for this ride? We think they might've had their wires crossed!
Thanks! - Joan Parson!!! She made me the most amazing quilt EVER! Thanks Joan I love it!
This day.. no fun!!! Until tomorrow. Keep your fingers crossed that my temp stays down and we get to stay at home all night.
So we started today heading for clinic for 9am and it was suppose to be a spinal and chemotherapy. They gave me some new anesthetic for my spinal as I hate the dizziness when I wake up. It's the kind they give the teenagers.. because they think I'm so mature :)
So, that all went great and then down hill fast! Nausea, hives, and terrible pains in my belly that made my scream .. loud! More medicine, more blood and nothing showed up! Nothing! Blood good, kidneys good, pancreas good! So, I'm home now and teetering on a fever. 37.0, then 37.7, then 37.5, then 37.9.. up and down up and down.
My mom is wondering who signed up us for this ride? We think they might've had their wires crossed!
Thanks! - Joan Parson!!! She made me the most amazing quilt EVER! Thanks Joan I love it!
This day.. no fun!!! Until tomorrow. Keep your fingers crossed that my temp stays down and we get to stay at home all night.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
June 9th - Tuesday
Hello hello!
Not much new to report.. all good here. I've been going to school, my blood is good and everything is A-okay.
Today I went to school in the morning and when mom, dad#2 and Addy picked me up we went hiking and exploring at this very cool park - Pacific Spirit Park. We saw tons of bugs, wild raspberries, and a huge beaver dam! It was crazy. We saw a tadpole but couldn't catch it! They're fast!
Tomorrow, school again.... and then it's THURSDAY! Shouldn't be as bad this week as we just have spinal, and chemotherapy. No inter muscular injections! Phew!
Hi to everyone.. thanks to Declan and his mom, Carly, Jodie/Jen for the recipe, everyone who attended the FLSC Fair and Lucas's ride for Life, the Campbell's for joining us on our 5km run for Children's.. all fantastic!!!
Ginger, Aiden wore his jacket to school today for show and tell!
We miss everyone.. however I'm on schedule still so we have 2 months done, and hopefully just 4 to go. I think that's 1/3 done, right Mrs. Merryfield? :)
Not much new to report.. all good here. I've been going to school, my blood is good and everything is A-okay.
Today I went to school in the morning and when mom, dad#2 and Addy picked me up we went hiking and exploring at this very cool park - Pacific Spirit Park. We saw tons of bugs, wild raspberries, and a huge beaver dam! It was crazy. We saw a tadpole but couldn't catch it! They're fast!
Tomorrow, school again.... and then it's THURSDAY! Shouldn't be as bad this week as we just have spinal, and chemotherapy. No inter muscular injections! Phew!
Hi to everyone.. thanks to Declan and his mom, Carly, Jodie/Jen for the recipe, everyone who attended the FLSC Fair and Lucas's ride for Life, the Campbell's for joining us on our 5km run for Children's.. all fantastic!!!
Ginger, Aiden wore his jacket to school today for show and tell!
We miss everyone.. however I'm on schedule still so we have 2 months done, and hopefully just 4 to go. I think that's 1/3 done, right Mrs. Merryfield? :)
Saturday, June 6, 2009
June 6th
Way better today!
What a day! I woke up this morning and had a call from Ty and Carson! It was great to hear their voices and get all caught up. Thanks for the call guys!
Then we got organized and met Ginger, Lucas, Jeff and Jacob. We hit Starbucks for the parents and then off to the park. Lucas and I ran and ran and ran .. it's a good thing I got blood yesterday so I could keep up. We had snacks, played in the park, played soccer, it was awesome!! So awesome! Thanks again Lucas for raising SO MUCH MONEY FOR LEUKEMIA!! You really are amazing!
Then I came home to wind down, watched some tv and then this cool magician showed up! He was so funny. Addy and I each got 3 balloons each; mine was a monkey in a tree, Lightning McQueen, and the Canucks logo and Addy's were; Princess Aeriel, Nemo, and a magic wand. He made things disappear and reappear, he read my mind, it was awesome. Thanks Shannon, you're the greatest!
Then mom trained a client that was up from Kelowna and Addy and I got ready for bed, what a day! Wow! Things went from yucky to amazing over night. Love when that happens! Tonight is movie night, Open Season 2! Too fun.
Tomorrow mom, dad #2, McKenzie, McGregor and Barb are all running for Children's Hospital and Addy and I are heading over to dad's. Back to clinic Monday am just to check my blood, school, and then back home.
What a day! What a great day!
What a day! I woke up this morning and had a call from Ty and Carson! It was great to hear their voices and get all caught up. Thanks for the call guys!
Then we got organized and met Ginger, Lucas, Jeff and Jacob. We hit Starbucks for the parents and then off to the park. Lucas and I ran and ran and ran .. it's a good thing I got blood yesterday so I could keep up. We had snacks, played in the park, played soccer, it was awesome!! So awesome! Thanks again Lucas for raising SO MUCH MONEY FOR LEUKEMIA!! You really are amazing!
Then I came home to wind down, watched some tv and then this cool magician showed up! He was so funny. Addy and I each got 3 balloons each; mine was a monkey in a tree, Lightning McQueen, and the Canucks logo and Addy's were; Princess Aeriel, Nemo, and a magic wand. He made things disappear and reappear, he read my mind, it was awesome. Thanks Shannon, you're the greatest!
Then mom trained a client that was up from Kelowna and Addy and I got ready for bed, what a day! Wow! Things went from yucky to amazing over night. Love when that happens! Tonight is movie night, Open Season 2! Too fun.
Tomorrow mom, dad #2, McKenzie, McGregor and Barb are all running for Children's Hospital and Addy and I are heading over to dad's. Back to clinic Monday am just to check my blood, school, and then back home.
What a day! What a great day!
Friday, June 5, 2009
Friday June 5th
Again again again!
So Terrible Fridays have now turned into Terrible Thursdays! We went in yesterday for some gross procedures. First was my LP(spinal), and just as I was waking up they put two needles into my legs. It wasn't as bad as the first time, (when we first got here) but it was still terrible.
And then they gave me my chemotherapy. I started feeling sick about half way through the day, however I was released at about 3pm. Mom, Addy, dad#2 and I went to the park, had a slurpee it was great. However....... then the medicine bit me! My eyes swelled shut and back to the hospital we went. They gave some benadryl and hyrdrocortisone and released us around 8pm. Home we went, and I ate a huge supper ... when I brought my bowl over my mom yelled "what!!?" and my face was covered in hives. Back to the hospital we went we were in an emergency room until 1am. then they finally moved us to a room on the oncology ward and we were asleep by 2am.
More benadryl, iv's, and this morning I woke up with no rash, but eyes still swollen. Mom said I looked like a boxer..and not a very good boxer. Over night my HGB dropped 10 points so then we had a blood transfusion. They monitored me all day, and finally I was allowed to leave at 5pm today.
What a gross two days! We are tired and my eyes are still a little swollen but we're home! And mom is super excited to sleep!
We see Lucas tomorrow morning and mom's friend Shannon got us a magician in the afternoon!! I can't wait!!
Thanks - Oranj Dance and Fitness, Pusher Mitchell Law Firm, Cops for Kids, McKenzie, McGregor and Barb Campbell who came down to run with Mom and Dad #2 for children's hospital this Sunday.
Mom was also very happy to see her friend Annette yesterday! She was at Children's with her son and she and mom got to spend 15 or 20 minutes together it was great (love you!)
Thursday and Friday = no fun, Saturday and Sunday = lots of fun!
Off to eat and bed can't wait until tomorrow morning! Done with today, looking forward to tomorrow!
So Terrible Fridays have now turned into Terrible Thursdays! We went in yesterday for some gross procedures. First was my LP(spinal), and just as I was waking up they put two needles into my legs. It wasn't as bad as the first time, (when we first got here) but it was still terrible.
And then they gave me my chemotherapy. I started feeling sick about half way through the day, however I was released at about 3pm. Mom, Addy, dad#2 and I went to the park, had a slurpee it was great. However....... then the medicine bit me! My eyes swelled shut and back to the hospital we went. They gave some benadryl and hyrdrocortisone and released us around 8pm. Home we went, and I ate a huge supper ... when I brought my bowl over my mom yelled "what!!?" and my face was covered in hives. Back to the hospital we went we were in an emergency room until 1am. then they finally moved us to a room on the oncology ward and we were asleep by 2am.
More benadryl, iv's, and this morning I woke up with no rash, but eyes still swollen. Mom said I looked like a boxer..and not a very good boxer. Over night my HGB dropped 10 points so then we had a blood transfusion. They monitored me all day, and finally I was allowed to leave at 5pm today.
What a gross two days! We are tired and my eyes are still a little swollen but we're home! And mom is super excited to sleep!
We see Lucas tomorrow morning and mom's friend Shannon got us a magician in the afternoon!! I can't wait!!
Thanks - Oranj Dance and Fitness, Pusher Mitchell Law Firm, Cops for Kids, McKenzie, McGregor and Barb Campbell who came down to run with Mom and Dad #2 for children's hospital this Sunday.
Mom was also very happy to see her friend Annette yesterday! She was at Children's with her son and she and mom got to spend 15 or 20 minutes together it was great (love you!)
Thursday and Friday = no fun, Saturday and Sunday = lots of fun!
Off to eat and bed can't wait until tomorrow morning! Done with today, looking forward to tomorrow!
Monday, June 1, 2009
Monday June 1st
My blood is awesome! We went to clinic this morning under the impression that I would need another blood transfusion.. however, my blood is awesome. The HGB dropped a bit, however my platelets are as high as yours! So clinic was quick and then I was back to Ronald McDonald house playing with Curtis.
Mom and Dad #2 picked us up at 530, and we came home and got organized. Dad #2 and I played Wii and Addy and mom played Barbies.
Everything else is going better then can be expected, we're all good!
Tomorrow I have school in the morning, which I love, and then we're off to the park and slurpees! That's kind of "our thing"
Thursday we're back in clinic and probably blood transfusion that day, so it'll be LONG and BORING. But I can play video games, watch movies, play board games etc. So, it'll be fine.
Thanks - To Carly, Dilys, Jim and Marg, and Toby for sending stuff down with Dad #2 and Ads for us. xoxo
Hope this finds you all well.
Hugs and Kisses,
Mom and Dad #2 picked us up at 530, and we came home and got organized. Dad #2 and I played Wii and Addy and mom played Barbies.
Everything else is going better then can be expected, we're all good!
Tomorrow I have school in the morning, which I love, and then we're off to the park and slurpees! That's kind of "our thing"
Thursday we're back in clinic and probably blood transfusion that day, so it'll be LONG and BORING. But I can play video games, watch movies, play board games etc. So, it'll be fine.
Thanks - To Carly, Dilys, Jim and Marg, and Toby for sending stuff down with Dad #2 and Ads for us. xoxo
Hope this finds you all well.
Hugs and Kisses,
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Saturday May 30th
Hello everyone,
well... yesterday went down hill fast after my post. I got super sick and it ended up being a tough afternoon. Yuck!!!
However...................... today s a new day!!! And I feel fantastic! I went and had chemo this am, super quick then mom and I met Courtenay (my old baby sitter/swim instructor) at a park and we played tag, flew kites and caught up. She's still the same, funny and silly. Thanks Court!
Then we got groceries, stopped for a slurpee (and mom a coffee) made some lunch and painted dinosaur molds, very cool! It's pretty hot here so we've decided to make this afternoon a movie date! BOLT, MADAGASCAR, KUNG FU PANDA and some candy! Sounds like a plan!
Off to chemo again in the morning then over to Dads to play with Curtis. Mom is off to work and then we'll see how my blood looks Monday morning. Could be a long boring clinic day with blood transfusions etc.
Thank you Thank you to the law firm of BENSON-SALLOUM-WATTS for the Bbq they put on yesterday. I saw a picture of your "car grill" how cool! Thanks!
And to Jo Jo.. the Seraphinite Sphere you bought mom and me is very cool. We rub it all the time and hope it brings us balance, health, healing and positive energy. Thanks Jo!
To everyone at home in Kelowna who helps; from Jodie making mom her fabulous power bars, to Laura taking over boot camp, Katherine feeding fish, Deb, Renee, Jen, and Shannon texting mom all day, Carly helping with Ads and shaving your head, Dilys helping with Ads, FLCS, Jim and Marg for looking after the yard, Oranj, Cabanas, Total E-clips, Kelowna Firefighters, Cops for Kids, Lynett and Jackie (Pusher Mitchell), Benson-Salloum- Watts, Influence, LuLuLemon, Lucas and Ginger, Bimy, ... and everyone else! Sorry if I forgot anyone! Thank you thank you thank you!!
Until next time!
well... yesterday went down hill fast after my post. I got super sick and it ended up being a tough afternoon. Yuck!!!
However...................... today s a new day!!! And I feel fantastic! I went and had chemo this am, super quick then mom and I met Courtenay (my old baby sitter/swim instructor) at a park and we played tag, flew kites and caught up. She's still the same, funny and silly. Thanks Court!
Then we got groceries, stopped for a slurpee (and mom a coffee) made some lunch and painted dinosaur molds, very cool! It's pretty hot here so we've decided to make this afternoon a movie date! BOLT, MADAGASCAR, KUNG FU PANDA and some candy! Sounds like a plan!
Off to chemo again in the morning then over to Dads to play with Curtis. Mom is off to work and then we'll see how my blood looks Monday morning. Could be a long boring clinic day with blood transfusions etc.
Thank you Thank you to the law firm of BENSON-SALLOUM-WATTS for the Bbq they put on yesterday. I saw a picture of your "car grill" how cool! Thanks!
And to Jo Jo.. the Seraphinite Sphere you bought mom and me is very cool. We rub it all the time and hope it brings us balance, health, healing and positive energy. Thanks Jo!
To everyone at home in Kelowna who helps; from Jodie making mom her fabulous power bars, to Laura taking over boot camp, Katherine feeding fish, Deb, Renee, Jen, and Shannon texting mom all day, Carly helping with Ads and shaving your head, Dilys helping with Ads, FLCS, Jim and Marg for looking after the yard, Oranj, Cabanas, Total E-clips, Kelowna Firefighters, Cops for Kids, Lynett and Jackie (Pusher Mitchell), Benson-Salloum- Watts, Influence, LuLuLemon, Lucas and Ginger, Bimy, ... and everyone else! Sorry if I forgot anyone! Thank you thank you thank you!!
Until next time!
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