Saturday, May 30, 2009

Saturday May 30th

Hello everyone,

well... yesterday went down hill fast after my post. I got super sick and it ended up being a tough afternoon. Yuck!!!

However...................... today s a new day!!! And I feel fantastic! I went and had chemo this am, super quick then mom and I met Courtenay (my old baby sitter/swim instructor) at a park and we played tag, flew kites and caught up. She's still the same, funny and silly. Thanks Court!
Then we got groceries, stopped for a slurpee (and mom a coffee) made some lunch and painted dinosaur molds, very cool! It's pretty hot here so we've decided to make this afternoon a movie date! BOLT, MADAGASCAR, KUNG FU PANDA and some candy! Sounds like a plan!

Off to chemo again in the morning then over to Dads to play with Curtis. Mom is off to work and then we'll see how my blood looks Monday morning. Could be a long boring clinic day with blood transfusions etc.

Thank you Thank you to the law firm of BENSON-SALLOUM-WATTS for the Bbq they put on yesterday. I saw a picture of your "car grill" how cool! Thanks!
And to Jo Jo.. the Seraphinite Sphere you bought mom and me is very cool. We rub it all the time and hope it brings us balance, health, healing and positive energy. Thanks Jo!

To everyone at home in Kelowna who helps; from Jodie making mom her fabulous power bars, to Laura taking over boot camp, Katherine feeding fish, Deb, Renee, Jen, and Shannon texting mom all day, Carly helping with Ads and shaving your head, Dilys helping with Ads, FLCS, Jim and Marg for looking after the yard, Oranj, Cabanas, Total E-clips, Kelowna Firefighters, Cops for Kids, Lynett and Jackie (Pusher Mitchell), Benson-Salloum- Watts, Influence, LuLuLemon, Lucas and Ginger, Bimy, ... and everyone else! Sorry if I forgot anyone! Thank you thank you thank you!!

Until next time!

Friday, May 29, 2009

Friday May 29th

Hello everyone,

Another Friday under our belts! We did it. I hated going under again, but it's done for another week. Phew! And the day is amazing so we're heading out!

I might've, maybe puked in the hospital hallway today. Was NOT funny at the time as mom was yelling for nurses, as Dad was gone for their Starbucks run. However, kind of funny now. Mom always gets puked on. Hee hee.. and she doesn't really seem to mind. Weird, I guess that's a mom thing???

Sending out a huge thank you. My friend Lucas, who is also only 5, rides BMX bikes. Lucas raised $2500 for leukemia research! He is riding in Kelowna June 7th and if you live there and are not busy please go support him. You can't miss him, his shirt says "Riding for Aiden!" And his beautiful mom, Ginger (Aiden likes to call her Gingerbread) will be the one holding the baby with wearing the same shirt. Lucas also gets to come here June 6th to hang out with me at Children's and we might be on TV!! Watch out Toby, I could be the next weather man! :)
So, big thanks to Lucas, high five buddy!!

It's a beautiful day, so we're grabbing the sunscreen and hitting Granville Island to feed the baby ducks. My blood will probably take a huge "dive" come Monday and I'll probably need ANOTHER blood transfusion.. however it's only Friday and we're going out while my counts are good!

Thanks to everyone who reads my blog, supports me and my family through all this. It's amazing and we love you all for it!!


Wednesday, May 27, 2009

May 27th

Another good one! What can I say, I think I'm on a roll!!

Went to school this morning and had a good time working on my numbers and playing with my friends outside. Dad picked me up from school and we went to Ronald McDonald house. I played with Curtis, played guitar hero, and went for a walk with Dad. Then a package was dropped off for me!!! Thank you Graham and Evan!! Wow, super fun. And thanks for making cupcakes for me, they sound like they were super yummy!!! Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm Maybe you could get your mom to call my mom's phone and we could chat?

I also received the "project misbehavin'" update from Agent Logan! Nice work. Maybe you can also call my mom's cell phone too. We're always home in the evening and I'd love to chat!

We're all moved into our new place and mom and I are campin' out here tonight. Dad #2 took Addy back to Kelowna. I think she needs to go to school to brush up on her alphabet.. so she's going tomorrow, and they're back on Sunday! yay!

Friday, back to clinic all day again and then again Saturday morning, Sunday morning and Monday morning!

Hope all is well with everyone and we'll be in touch! Thank you for everything.


Tuesday, May 26, 2009

May 26th

We're still good!

Been a busy couple days with getting us moved over to the new place, shaving my head, playing with Nana, seeing Uncle Doug, back and forth for chemo, mom working etc. Phew!!

Mom and I will sleep at the new place tomorrow night! Dad #2 taking Ads home to Kelowna tomorrow until Sunday morning!

Still taking my meds, however I haven't been as sick, I didn't even take my one dose of anti-nausea medication today and I felt great all day long. I went to school this morning, then Mom, Ads and Nana picked me up and we grabbed Sushi, took Nana to the airport and then mom set up my new Wii! Who knew mom could do that!? Played Mario cart, played tag in the new backyard and now I'm heading to bed as I have school in the morning then off to dad's and play with my new friend Curtis * he's bald too!!

Mom talked to my nurse who advised day 10-18 could be my worst days with blood transfusion, fever etc. So mom and dad will be doing a lot of learning next week with my nurse.

Thanks to everyone for everything.. especially Nana for coming out to help mom, even if it was just to make her feel secure and safe while dad #2 was gone... as I was all good!

Mom's latest and greatest idea is that she's trying to organize 2000 bags for mom's at children's hospital who have a child diagnosed with leukemia. Anyone who can think of amazing things or help us with getting fabulous things for mom's with sick babes drop mom a note...

Talk to you all soon!
Lots of Love,

Sunday, May 24, 2009

May 24th update

We're still good!!!

Day three of the new chemotherapy and we're still good! Yesterday went pretty well. I was sick in the morning, however mom got it all under control and then we headed to the hospital for my next bit of chemo. It all went well and before we knew it we were done and off to enjoy the day. We're moving to a great new place next week. Some very generous people have given us an amazing place to stay that is much more affordable for us. And I mean amazing! Thanks to Kim for organizing this for us! xoxo Then we hit the park, played tag and played all around the playground with Mom, Nana and Addy.

Came home for supper, meds and movie. Oh, and Nana bought me an IPOD! So very cool! I'm going to load some great music that I can listen to when I wake up after my spinals. thanks Nana!

Today I was back to the hospital again for more chemo, then I headed to dad's for the day and we shaved our heads!!! That's right it's gone. It started to come out a little bit just this week, and so we thought we'd just get it done. And dad did his too.. hee hee. Wow he has a big head :)

Thanks again to everyone who is sending texts, emails, phone calls, facebook messages etc during this time!


Friday, May 22, 2009

May 22nd

Day of one of fifty-six!

Okay, we have one more Friday under our belts, and it was fine! Long long long day! We started at clinic at 755am and we left around 530pm.

First of all they had to start hydrating me, so they "poked" my VAD and started the IV. I had to be super hydrated so that my kidneys would be able to flush my medication properly. Wow did I pee a lot!!!!!

Then I had to have my spinal, which went okay. The best one yet for sure. I was still scared to get put out but I wasn't as dizzy when I woke up. Mom said I was out for less then 5 minutes, which is also the fastest one yet.

Chemotherapy was next. It was for just over a half an hour and then the side effects were suppose to start... so we waited.. and we waited... and we waited... and nothing!
The day was good, actually better then good. My new friend Curtis was also there today and we played X-Box for about... 7 HOURS! I thought mom was going to lose her mind, but she just let me play, it was awesome!

We also had a great visit today from FLSC! Mrs. Liegmann showed up with Ava's Dad (yes, THE AVA... sorry that's your title "Ava's dad") and Pastor Lee too! They brought me notes from my class, a card, stars from Ava, and a wonderful "gift" for mom too. Thank you First Lutheran Church and School!!!

Then Nana and Addy picked us up, we came home and ate tacos and popcorn, had a tub, watched movies, had some more medicine and went to bed!

Back in clinic again tomorrow and again Sunday and again Monday. Long hard weekend for sure, but we're living for today.. and today is good!

Thank you to everyone who was sending us positive thoughts, texts, calls, emails, prayers and everything else today. And Thank you again to FLCS for everything, it is So appreciated and it was so nice to see you!


Tuesday, May 19, 2009

May 19th update

May 19th.. the day of mom!

Today was another great day! I got up this morning and went to school, I had show and tell today and brought a new bionicle that we built. Very cool. Then dad#2 picked me up after school and we went for lunch and picked mom up a surprise birthday cake!

We arrived home and I had a huge nap, 3 hours!! I woke up in time for a rib feast and then we all got to go the Vancouver Aquarium for Dream Night. They opened the aquarium to sick kids from children's hospital and we got to touch and hold crabs, sea erchants, star fish, hermit crabs, and a sea cucumber. It was crazy! We saw a dolphin and bulga show and a lady diving in the deep sea tank. There was face painting, tattoos, Fin the mascot from the Canucks and more! It was awesome. The only reason I was allowed to go was because my counts are so good. Mom was constantly washing my hands with gel and wipes and we all had a huge scrub when we got home. But it was so worth it! Too fun!

We're taking this week slow slow slow as Friday is going to be hard. The first really aggressive chemo will begin and I'll have to be at the hospital for about 8 hours Friday, 2-4 hours Saturday, Sunday and Monday. The schedule goes on for 56 days. So we're taking this week of feeling fantastic slow, slow, slow. Nana's coming down Thursday to help out! Yay Nana!!

Big Thank you to the First Lutheran Church and School! The foundation you've created for us is amazing and we are truly grateful!

Thanks thanks thanks to the Baliski's for everything for us, Laura for mom's super cool flowers, Anne and Ron for the beautiful basket, Deb for "fun glasses" mom calls them, and all mom's birthday wishes. To anyone else we may have missed, Thank you!

I'm off to school tomorrow, mom off to work and then plans for a kite flying evening tomorrow night. Hope it's windy!


Saturday, May 16, 2009

May 16th

update update update

Hello everyone.. Sorry we've been without internet for a couple days. We had a great week, of school, playing at parks, football, flying kites etc. My blood is doing really really well and I feel great. Addy and Dad #2 are back from Kelowna - yay!

We had clinic on Friday, however no chemo. Yay! They did the spinal and the marrow, which I don't like as it makes me dizzy when I wake up, however at least it was quick. I met with a physiotherapist as I'm having some side effects to one of the chemo medicine that makes my feet and legs feel funny (especially my right one) it's a bit weird to do stairs and running is kind of awkward. However, she says it's all normal and she'll fix me up! Perfect.. (I would prefer if my physio was Little Laura, however this one's okay for now)

We expect to have a great week!... until Friday. This coming Friday we take things up a notch. So, Friday is a long gross day and they say I'll have some pretty bad reactions to my new medicine, then I have to go back again Saturday, Sunday and Monday. This schedule is for the next 56 days, it's aggressive, and isn't going to be fun for anyone. However, we have to do it, we're going to push through and again, it's nothing we can't handle. And the silver lining: Nana arrives Thursday night to help mom.

I've been super busy playing and making bionicles and this new sticky mosaic pictures I've been making. I'm still eating like crazy, can't get enough food in my belly. And mom's being pretty understanding (after chatting with my Dr) about letting me eat some "bad stuff" :)

Thanks: Bexx, Samia, Marg and Jim, Bimy, Christy, Darlene and Kevin, Renee, and Shannon.
Mom got pretty spoiled on her birthday weekend - thanks for an amazing dinner, visit, gifts etc D&K.. WOW, loved it all! And thanks to R & S for making the road trip for one fantastic day of pampering, chats, and true amazing friendship! xoxo.

Thank you to everyone who reads this.. we're day to day of fun this week... not even thinking about FRIDAY!


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

May 12th

Hello everyone! We're home! I went to school yesterday morning and when I came back the Dr told me I was able to leave the hospital!! yay! So I hung out with dad, as my was at work, and we watched movies and I met another little boy who also has leukemia. We made a puzzle and had a good chat.

Got home at 530 ate some summer and watched the hockey game!! Oh no! what happened?

Went to school today and had another great day, mom and I hit the park and now we're heading over to the field to play football. I feel like a million dollars and my blood counts are sky rocketing!

Chemo Friday, but that's too many days away to think about right now. So, we're just enjoying the moment.

Hope all is well. Hugs to everyone, especially Dad #2 and Addy who are back in Kelowna till Friday.


Sunday, May 10, 2009

Sunday May 10th

Happy Mother's day to all the mom's out there!

Energy energy energy!!! Spent last night at the hospital with Dad and had movie night as mom and Dad #2 spent sometime with Miss Addy etc. Dad and I ate tons, watched two movies and had a good time.

Today, I got a pass. Which means they let me leave the hospital for almost 5 hours! Dad dropped me off at home and me, Mom, Ads and Dad#2 hit the park for a kite flying adventure. Deb Taylor and her new friend stopped by with coffees and he had a kite in his car!! It was huge! The wind wasn't totally cooperating with us, so we switched it up for a game of football, Frisbee, and some sidewalk chalk. Everyone had a great time! Then mom and I headed back to the hospital where we went outside again and played transformers, then we came back in and played 4 games of match and 5 games of chutes and ladders! Phew!

Dad#2 and I snuck down to the hospital kitchen and made mom and mothers day supper (tacos and black forest cake!) She loved it! I ate 3!

Tonight we're going to watch movies, eat popcorn and call it a night as mom is heading back to work tomorrow (yes, the RCMP) and I have school.
Dad#2 is heading back to Kelowna for work and I hope to get out of the hospital tomorrow or Tuesday. Blood is good, but maybe not quite good enough!

We're doing awesome! Everything is GREAT.

THANKS - The Waterhouses, The Seibens, Carly, Deb, Boot Camp girls, Cates, Kathie and Linda, Oranj, Bimy, Baliskis, Anne and Ron, Deeks, Pennels, Parsons, Grandma and Grandpa, Nana and Papa, and everyone else we may have missed!! xoxo!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Friday May8th

We did it! We did it! We did it! Results are in and my sodium is Awesome! It even went up two points!!!!! No fever, nothing! Everyone is VERY VERY happy!!

We hung out pretty close to our hospital room today as everyone had a very close eye on me. Although upon Addy's arrival we hit the toy room, of course! Grandma and Grandpa came by for another visit, which was great. Grandpa is the best paper airplane maker I've ever seen! And then we attempted Battleship, Grandma and mom tried to help me.. however they struggled with the whole radar concept.. :) BUT WE STILL BEAT DAD!!! (so thanks to mom and grandma)

Thanks Dad #2 for leaving here at 4am to get back in time with Ads to make sure I was okay after chemo.

I got outside on the deck and I watched Addy run around like a crazy women this afternoon, but that got old fast. We had a beautiful afternoon here in Vancouver.

Dad #2 is home putting Ads to bed and mom and I are watching another round of Kung Fu Panda.

Good day! I have a very happy mom tonight.. "tears of joy" i think she called it! :) EVERYTIME SHE SNUGGLES ME!

Hope all is well with everyone!! Thanks to Kathie and Linda for the Dr's gear!


Thursday, May 7, 2009

May 7th

Update for today..

Great day all around. Woke up at 8am and had a big breakfast, mom got me ready for school and organized. At school today we had two visitors; two clowns acting as Dr's came into the class. They did some magic, told jokes and gave me a $1,000,000 dollar bill!! wow!! It was great. And mom was talking (bribing) to some of the nurses and we ended up in a gigantic room this afternoon. It's like the Penthouse!!!

My blood counts are going up all on their own, so the Dr's are very pleased with that. I'm even producing healthy white blood cells and my bone marrow % that was 99% bad when I arrived here is down to 4%! This is the same amount that you have! All great news!!

Dad picked me up and we came back to my room and Grandma and Grandpa showed up. We read books and hung out for a couple hours talking and laughing. Mom and Dad#2 got back and my funny nurse unhooked me and we headed outside! Mom ran into starbucks and got us all drinks while I walked around and enjoyed the fresh air. We came back up in time to watch a movie and then the start of the Canucks game.
Then I got crazy silly. I was laughing and crackin' jokes like crazy tonight. I had everyone in stitches.. the old Aiden is Back! When the Canucks scored I pushed my "buzzer" to call my nurse so she didn't miss the replay!

Tomorrow is chemotherapy day again, so mom's been talking to dr's and making sure all precautions are taken regarding the drug that "got me" last week. So, everyone keep their fingers crossed!

Dad #2 is headed up to Kelowna early to grab Addison (and Jodie's Power Bars) and bring her back for the weekend. Should be fun to see her. Thanks again Nana and Papa for looking after her.

Still here till Monday but making the best of it!

Love and hugs

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

May 6th

Would just like to share a video that Dominic and Ashton sent to me today.

So just click on the link and watch away. You might have to put Dominics and Ashtons name in the search to find it.
Thanks you guys that was hillarious!

May 6th

On the road to recovery!

FEVER IS GONE!!!! Yay!! So, here's the update:
We're still in hospital and we're here until at least Monday because my good white cell count is too low.. however the fever is gone and I'm feeling 100% better!!!! Chemotherapy is still scheduled for Friday and we're going ahead with that and then they'll keep a close eye on me over the weekend.

Last night they lifted my water restriction at 9pm, so mom, dad#2 and I ordered pizza and root beer to celebrate!! Then we stayed up super late and watched Kung Fu Panda, it was awesome.
We slept late today and I've been hanging out with dad in the toy room, reading stories, had a nap snugglin' with my mom and now I'm waiting for Uncle Doug to bring me Kentucky Fried Chicken. Mom's losing her mind a bit on the all the food I'm eating .. polished off 90% of an apple pie, pizza, pop corn with tons of salt and vinegar seasoning, ego waffles, pop, LUCKY CHARMS cereal.. mmmmmm. I can see her skill crawl. hee hee.

Thanks again to everyone for the cards & gifts;Nana and Papas friends from Cranbrook, and to my two buddies Ty and Carson the photo album was by far the highlight of my day!! I miss you guys tons and can't wait to make more memories when I'm outta here!
And Good update Secret Agent Logan on "Project Misbehavin" too funny:)

Mom says back to school tomorrow so early night! Thanks everyone.


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

May 5th 2009

Hello Everyone,

So.. the waiting game. I'm feeling a little better then yesterday, and my body is still fighting something. They haven't been able to identify what it is yet though. So, we're still here and just waiting for answers to hopefully arrive.

My fever is up and down up and down with really no explanation why. Mom's been sponging me with cold cloths and getting it under control without medication which is good. My HGB is also low so I don't have much energy and probably getting another blood transfusion today. It's time consuming but my energy level immediately increases which is nice.

Not too much else to report we just kind of hang out in my hospital room all day. I sleep, watch tv, play wii, eat and sleep again. Looking forward to energy and getting out of here.
Mom keeps asking "what about Friday?" as I get the same medicine that "got me" last week again on Friday. It's a crazy cycle. What makes me feel terrible and puts me back in the hospital is also what they use to make me better. Ugh!

HOWEVER, it's nothing we can't handle!

Thanks to Nana and Papa for taking such good care of Addison Jane and the house. xoxo


Monday, May 4, 2009

May 4th

Road back to Aiden.

Hello everyone, while I'm back. After lots and lots of tests and a very worried mom the Dr's have figured out that I have had a side effect to one of the medicines used in my chemotherapy. They have only ever seen it twice before and they were able to rectify it very quickly. I however am unique! I have had this same medicine before however it "got me" this time. I'm still on the mend and in hospital however WAY better then I was. I ate strawberries, a banana, and a muffin already this morning which is more then I've eaten since Saturday. Very happy. I will have the same medicine again on Friday so hopefully this time it's better and we'll take some precautionary measures too.

I'm going back down for a nap, but I just wanted to update you all that we're headed in the right direction and I hope to be out of here by Wednesday.

Thanks for all the calls, texts and emails.



Saturday, May 2, 2009

May 2nd

Just a quick update

sorry we haven't written we've been moving into our great new place and then we had a minor set back today. we're back in the hospital as i've picked up an infection. they're still running test as they're not 100% sure what's wrong.

Little scary for all of us..

I'll be in touch.
